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(Intermediate) Datasets#

Datasets are the internal classes providing the individual patches for training, validation and prediction. In CAREamics, we provide a TrainDataModule class that creates the datasets for training and validation (there is a class for prediction as well, which is simpler and shares some parameters with the training one). In most cases, it is created internally. In this section, we describe what it does and shed light on some of its parameters that are passed to the train methods.

Datasets in practice

This section contains descriptions of the internal working of CAREamics. In practice, most users will never have to instantiate the datasets themselves, as they are created from within the careamist.train or careamist.predict methods.


The TrainDataModule receives both data configuration and data itself. The data can be passed a path to a folder, to a file or as numpy array.

Simplest way to instantiate TrainDataModule
import numpy as np
from careamics.config import create_n2v_configuration
from careamics.lightning import TrainDataModule

train_array = np.random.rand(128, 128)

config = create_n2v_configuration(
    patch_size=[64, 64],

data_module = TrainDataModule(  # (1)!
    data_config=config.data_config, train_data=train_array

It has the following parameters:

  • data_config: data configuration
  • train_data: training data (array or path)
  • (optional) val_data: validation data, if not provided, the validation data is taken from the training data
  • (optional) train_data_target: target data for training (if applicable)
  • (optional) val_data_target: target data for validation (if applicable)
  • (optional) read_source_func: function to read custom data types (see custom data types)
  • (optional) extension_filter: filter to select custom types (see custom data types)
  • (optional) val_percentage: percentage of validation data to extract from the training (see splitting validation)
  • (optional) val_minimum_split: minimum validation split (see splitting validation)
  • (optional) use_in_memory: whether to use in-memory dataset if possible (Default is True), not applicable to mnumpy arrays.

Depending on the type of the data, which is specified in the data_config and is compared to the type of train_data, the TrainDataModule will create the appropriate dataset for both training and validation data.

In the absence of validation, validation data is extracted from training data (see splitting validation).

Available datasets#

CAREamics currently support two datasets:

If the data is a numpy array, the InMemoryDataset is used automatically. Otherwise, we list the files contained in the path, compute the size of the data and instantiate an InMemoryDataset if the data is less than 80% of the total RAM size. If not, CAREamics instantiate an IterableDataset.

Both datasets work differently, and the main differences can be summarized as follows:

Feature InMemoryDataset IterableDataset
Used with arrays Yes No
Patch extraction Sequential Random
Data loading All in memory One file at a time

In the next sections, we describe the different steps they perform.

In-memory dataset#

As the name implies, the in-memory dataset loads all the data in memory. It is used when the data on the disk seems to fit in memory, or when the data is already in memory and passed as a numpy array. The advantage of the dataset is that is allows faster access to the patches, and therefore faster training time.

What about supervised training?

For supervised training, the steps are the same and are performed for the targets alongside the source.

What if I have a time (T) axis?

T axes are accepted by the CAREamics configuration, but are treated as a sample dimension (S). If both S and T are present, the two axes are concatenated.

Iterable dataset#

The iterable dataset is used to load patches from a single file at a time, one file after another. This allows training on datasets that are too large to fit in memory. This dataset is exclusively used with files input (data passed as paths).

Iterable dataset and splitting validation

The iterable dataset does not split patches from the training data, but files! (see splitting validation).

What about supervised training?

For supervised training, the steps are the same and are performed for the targets alongside the source.

What if I have a time (T) axis?

T axes are accepted by the CAREamics configuration, but are treated as a sample dimension (S). If both S and T are present, the two axes are concatenated.

(Intermediate) Transforms#

Transforms are augmentations and any operation applied to the patches before feeding them into the network. CAREamics supports the following transforms (see configuration full spec for an example on how to configure them):

Transform Description Notes
Normalize Normalize (zero mean, unit variance) Necessary
XYFlip Flip the image along X and Y, one at a time Can flip a single axis, optional
XYRandomRotate90Model Rotate by 90 degrees the XY axes Optional
N2VManipulateModel N2V pixel manipulation Only for N2V, in which case it is necessary

The Normalize transform is always applied, and the rest are optional. The exception is N2VManipulateModel, which is only applied when training with N2V (see Noise2Void).

When to turn off transforms?

The configuration allows turning off transforms. In this case, only normalization (and potentially the N2VManipulateModel for N2V) is applied. This is useful when the structures in your sample are always in the same orientation, and flipping and rotation do not make sense.

(Advanced) Custom data types#

To read custom data types, you can set data_type to custom in data_config and provide a function that returns a numpy array from a path as read_source_func parameter. The function will receive a Path object and an axies string as arguments, the axes being derived from the data_config.

You should also provide a fnmatch and Path.rglob compatible expression (e.g. "*.npy") to filter the files extension using extension_filter.

Read custom data types
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from careamics.config import create_n2v_configuration
from careamics.lightning import TrainDataModule

def read_npy(  # (1)!
    path: Path,  # (2)!
    *args: Any,
    **kwargs: Any,  # (3)!
) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.load(path)  # (4)!

# example data
train_array = np.random.rand(128, 128)"train_array.npy", train_array)

# configuration
config = create_n2v_configuration(
    data_type="custom",  # (5)!
    patch_size=[32, 32],

data_module = TrainDataModule(
    train_data="train_array.npy",  # (6)!
    read_source_func=read_npy,  # (7)!
    extension_filter="*.npy",  # (8)!
data_module.setup()  # (9)!

# check dataset output
dataloader = data_module.train_dataloader()
print(dataloader.dataset[0][0].shape)  # (10)!
  1. We define a function that reads the custom data type.

  2. It takes a path as argument!

  3. But it also need to receive *args and **kwargs to be compatible with the read_source_func signature.

  4. It simply returns a numpy array.

  5. The data type must be custom!

  6. And we pass a Path | str.

  7. Simply pass the method by name.

  8. We also need to provide an extension filter that is compatible with fnmatch and Path.rglob.

  9. These two lines are necessary to instantiate the training dataset that we call at the end. They are called automatically by PyTorch Lightning during training.

  10. The dataloader gives access to the dataset, we choose the first element, and since we configured CAREamics to use N2V, the output is a tuple whose first element is our first patch!

In practice, you should not access the dataloader directly (except for testing). Using custom types for training should be done as follows:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from careamics import CAREamist
from careamics.config import create_n2v_configuration
from careamics.lightning import TrainDataModule

def read_npy(
    path: Path,
    *args: Any,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.load(path)

# example data
train_array = np.random.rand(128, 128)"train_array.npy", train_array)

# configuration
config = create_n2v_configuration(
    patch_size=[32, 32],

# Data module for custom types
data_module = TrainDataModule(

# CAREamist
careamist = CAREamist(source=config)

# Train

Prediction datasets#

The prediction data module, PredictDataModule works similarly to TrainDataModule, albeit with different parameters:

  • pred_config: inference configuration
  • pred_data: prediction data (array or path)
  • (optional) read_source_func: function to read custom data types (see custom data types)
  • (optional) extension_filter: filter to select custom types (see custom data types)

(Advanced) Subclass TrainDataModule#

The data module used in CAREamics have only a limited number of parameters, and they make use of the CAREamics datasets. If you need to have a different dataset, then you can subclass TrainDataModule and override the setup method to use your own datasets.