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Convenience functions to create configurations for training and inference.

create_care_configuration(experiment_name, data_type, axes, patch_size, batch_size, num_epochs, augmentations=None, independent_channels=True, loss='mae', n_channels_in=1, n_channels_out=-1, logger='none', model_params=None, dataloader_params=None) #

Create a configuration for training CARE.

If "Z" is present in axes, then path_size must be a list of length 3, otherwise 2.

If "C" is present in axes, then you need to set n_channels_in to the number of channels. Likewise, if you set the number of channels, then "C" must be present in axes.

To set the number of output channels, use the n_channels_out parameter. If it is not specified, it will be assumed to be equal to n_channels_in.

By default, all channels are trained together. To train all channels independently, set independent_channels to True.

By setting augmentations to None, the default transformations (flip in X and Y, rotations by 90 degrees in the XY plane) are applied. Rather than the default transforms, a list of transforms can be passed to the augmentations parameter. To disable the transforms, simply pass an empty list.


Name Type Description Default
experiment_name str

Name of the experiment.

data_type Literal['array', 'tiff', 'custom']

Type of the data.

axes str

Axes of the data (e.g. SYX).

patch_size List[int]

Size of the patches along the spatial dimensions (e.g. [64, 64]).

batch_size int

Batch size.

num_epochs int

Number of epochs.

augmentations list of transforms

List of transforms to apply, either both or one of XYFlipModel and XYRandomRotate90Model. By default, it applies both XYFlip (on X and Y) and XYRandomRotate90 (in XY) to the images.

independent_channels bool

Whether to train all channels independently, by default False.

loss Literal['mae', 'mse']

Loss function to use, by default "mae".

n_channels_in int

Number of channels in, by default 1.

n_channels_out int

Number of channels out, by default -1.

logger Literal['wandb', 'tensorboard', 'none']

Logger to use, by default "none".

model_params dict

UNetModel parameters, by default None.

dataloader_params dict

Parameters for the dataloader, see PyTorch notes, by default None.



Type Description

Configuration for training CARE.


Minimum example:

>>> config = create_care_configuration(
...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100
... )

To disable transforms, simply set augmentations to an empty list:

>>> config = create_care_configuration(
...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     augmentations=[]
... )

A list of transforms can be passed to the augmentations parameter to replace the default augmentations:

>>> from careamics.config.transformations import XYFlipModel
>>> config = create_care_configuration(
...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     augmentations=[
...         # No rotation and only Y flipping
...         XYFlipModel(flip_x = False, flip_y = True)
...     ]
... )

If you are training multiple channels they will be trained independently by default, you simply need to specify the number of channels input (and optionally, the number of channels output):

>>> config = create_care_configuration(
...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     n_channels_in=3, # number of input channels
...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
... )

If instead you want to train multiple channels together, you need to turn off the independent_channels parameter:

>>> config = create_care_configuration(
...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     independent_channels=False,
...     n_channels_in=3,
...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
... )
Source code in src/careamics/config/
def create_care_configuration(
    experiment_name: str,
    data_type: Literal["array", "tiff", "custom"],
    axes: str,
    patch_size: list[int],
    batch_size: int,
    num_epochs: int,
    augmentations: Optional[list[Union[XYFlipModel, XYRandomRotate90Model]]] = None,
    independent_channels: bool = True,
    loss: Literal["mae", "mse"] = "mae",
    n_channels_in: int = 1,
    n_channels_out: int = -1,
    logger: Literal["wandb", "tensorboard", "none"] = "none",
    model_params: Optional[dict] = None,
    dataloader_params: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Configuration:
    Create a configuration for training CARE.

    If "Z" is present in `axes`, then `path_size` must be a list of length 3, otherwise

    If "C" is present in `axes`, then you need to set `n_channels_in` to the number of
    channels. Likewise, if you set the number of channels, then "C" must be present in

    To set the number of output channels, use the `n_channels_out` parameter. If it is
    not specified, it will be assumed to be equal to `n_channels_in`.

    By default, all channels are trained together. To train all channels independently,
    set `independent_channels` to True.

    By setting `augmentations` to `None`, the default transformations (flip in X and Y,
    rotations by 90 degrees in the XY plane) are applied. Rather than the default
    transforms, a list of transforms can be passed to the `augmentations` parameter. To
    disable the transforms, simply pass an empty list.

    experiment_name : str
        Name of the experiment.
    data_type : Literal["array", "tiff", "custom"]
        Type of the data.
    axes : str
        Axes of the data (e.g. SYX).
    patch_size : List[int]
        Size of the patches along the spatial dimensions (e.g. [64, 64]).
    batch_size : int
        Batch size.
    num_epochs : int
        Number of epochs.
    augmentations : list of transforms, default=None
        List of transforms to apply, either both or one of XYFlipModel and
        XYRandomRotate90Model. By default, it applies both XYFlip (on X and Y)
        and XYRandomRotate90 (in XY) to the images.
    independent_channels : bool, optional
        Whether to train all channels independently, by default False.
    loss : Literal["mae", "mse"], optional
        Loss function to use, by default "mae".
    n_channels_in : int, optional
        Number of channels in, by default 1.
    n_channels_out : int, optional
        Number of channels out, by default -1.
    logger : Literal["wandb", "tensorboard", "none"], optional
        Logger to use, by default "none".
    model_params : dict, optional
        UNetModel parameters, by default None.
    dataloader_params : dict, optional
        Parameters for the dataloader, see PyTorch notes, by default None.

        Configuration for training CARE.

    Minimum example:
    >>> config = create_care_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100
    ... )

    To disable transforms, simply set `augmentations` to an empty list:
    >>> config = create_care_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     augmentations=[]
    ... )

    A list of transforms can be passed to the `augmentations` parameter to replace the
    default augmentations:
    >>> from careamics.config.transformations import XYFlipModel
    >>> config = create_care_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     augmentations=[
    ...         # No rotation and only Y flipping
    ...         XYFlipModel(flip_x = False, flip_y = True)
    ...     ]
    ... )

    If you are training multiple channels they will be trained independently by default,
    you simply need to specify the number of channels input (and optionally, the number
    of channels output):
    >>> config = create_care_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     n_channels_in=3, # number of input channels
    ...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
    ... )

    If instead you want to train multiple channels together, you need to turn off the
    `independent_channels` parameter:
    >>> config = create_care_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="care_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     independent_channels=False,
    ...     n_channels_in=3,
    ...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
    ... )
    if n_channels_out == -1:
        n_channels_out = n_channels_in

    return _create_supervised_configuration(

create_n2n_configuration(experiment_name, data_type, axes, patch_size, batch_size, num_epochs, augmentations=None, independent_channels=True, loss='mae', n_channels_in=1, n_channels_out=-1, logger='none', model_params=None, dataloader_params=None) #

Create a configuration for training Noise2Noise.

If "Z" is present in axes, then path_size must be a list of length 3, otherwise 2.

If "C" is present in axes, then you need to set n_channels_in to the number of channels. Likewise, if you set the number of channels, then "C" must be present in axes.

To set the number of output channels, use the n_channels_out parameter. If it is not specified, it will be assumed to be equal to n_channels_in.

By default, all channels are trained together. To train all channels independently, set independent_channels to True.

By setting augmentations to None, the default transformations (flip in X and Y, rotations by 90 degrees in the XY plane) are applied. Rather than the default transforms, a list of transforms can be passed to the augmentations parameter. To disable the transforms, simply pass an empty list.


Name Type Description Default
experiment_name str

Name of the experiment.

data_type Literal['array', 'tiff', 'custom']

Type of the data.

axes str

Axes of the data (e.g. SYX).

patch_size List[int]

Size of the patches along the spatial dimensions (e.g. [64, 64]).

batch_size int

Batch size.

num_epochs int

Number of epochs.

augmentations list of transforms

List of transforms to apply, either both or one of XYFlipModel and XYRandomRotate90Model. By default, it applies both XYFlip (on X and Y) and XYRandomRotate90 (in XY) to the images.

independent_channels bool

Whether to train all channels independently, by default False.

loss Literal['mae', 'mse']

Loss function to use, by default "mae".

n_channels_in int

Number of channels in, by default 1.

n_channels_out int

Number of channels out, by default -1.

logger Literal['wandb', 'tensorboard', 'none']

Logger to use, by default "none".

model_params dict

UNetModel parameters, by default {}.

dataloader_params dict

Parameters for the dataloader, see PyTorch notes, by default None.



Type Description

Configuration for training Noise2Noise.


Minimum example:

>>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100
... )

To disable transforms, simply set augmentations to an empty list:

>>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     augmentations=[]
... )

A list of transforms can be passed to the augmentations parameter to replace the default augmentations:

>>> from careamics.config.transformations import XYFlipModel
>>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     augmentations=[
...         # No rotation and only Y flipping
...         XYFlipModel(flip_x = False, flip_y = True)
...     ]
... )

If you are training multiple channels they will be trained independently by default, you simply need to specify the number of channels input (and optionally, the number of channels output):

>>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     n_channels_in=3, # number of input channels
...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
... )

If instead you want to train multiple channels together, you need to turn off the independent_channels parameter:

>>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     independent_channels=False,
...     n_channels_in=3,
...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
... )
Source code in src/careamics/config/
def create_n2n_configuration(
    experiment_name: str,
    data_type: Literal["array", "tiff", "custom"],
    axes: str,
    patch_size: list[int],
    batch_size: int,
    num_epochs: int,
    augmentations: Optional[list[Union[XYFlipModel, XYRandomRotate90Model]]] = None,
    independent_channels: bool = True,
    loss: Literal["mae", "mse"] = "mae",
    n_channels_in: int = 1,
    n_channels_out: int = -1,
    logger: Literal["wandb", "tensorboard", "none"] = "none",
    model_params: Optional[dict] = None,
    dataloader_params: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Configuration:
    Create a configuration for training Noise2Noise.

    If "Z" is present in `axes`, then `path_size` must be a list of length 3, otherwise

    If "C" is present in `axes`, then you need to set `n_channels_in` to the number of
    channels. Likewise, if you set the number of channels, then "C" must be present in

    To set the number of output channels, use the `n_channels_out` parameter. If it is
    not specified, it will be assumed to be equal to `n_channels_in`.

    By default, all channels are trained together. To train all channels independently,
    set `independent_channels` to True.

    By setting `augmentations` to `None`, the default transformations (flip in X and Y,
    rotations by 90 degrees in the XY plane) are applied. Rather than the default
    transforms, a list of transforms can be passed to the `augmentations` parameter. To
    disable the transforms, simply pass an empty list.

    experiment_name : str
        Name of the experiment.
    data_type : Literal["array", "tiff", "custom"]
        Type of the data.
    axes : str
        Axes of the data (e.g. SYX).
    patch_size : List[int]
        Size of the patches along the spatial dimensions (e.g. [64, 64]).
    batch_size : int
        Batch size.
    num_epochs : int
        Number of epochs.
    augmentations : list of transforms, default=None
        List of transforms to apply, either both or one of XYFlipModel and
        XYRandomRotate90Model. By default, it applies both XYFlip (on X and Y)
        and XYRandomRotate90 (in XY) to the images.
    independent_channels : bool, optional
        Whether to train all channels independently, by default False.
    loss : Literal["mae", "mse"], optional
        Loss function to use, by default "mae".
    n_channels_in : int, optional
        Number of channels in, by default 1.
    n_channels_out : int, optional
        Number of channels out, by default -1.
    logger : Literal["wandb", "tensorboard", "none"], optional
        Logger to use, by default "none".
    model_params : dict, optional
        UNetModel parameters, by default {}.
    dataloader_params : dict, optional
        Parameters for the dataloader, see PyTorch notes, by default None.

        Configuration for training Noise2Noise.

    Minimum example:
    >>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100
    ... )

    To disable transforms, simply set `augmentations` to an empty list:
    >>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     augmentations=[]
    ... )

    A list of transforms can be passed to the `augmentations` parameter to replace the
    default augmentations:
    >>> from careamics.config.transformations import XYFlipModel
    >>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     augmentations=[
    ...         # No rotation and only Y flipping
    ...         XYFlipModel(flip_x = False, flip_y = True)
    ...     ]
    ... )

    If you are training multiple channels they will be trained independently by default,
    you simply need to specify the number of channels input (and optionally, the number
    of channels output):
    >>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     n_channels_in=3, # number of input channels
    ...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
    ... )

    If instead you want to train multiple channels together, you need to turn off the
    `independent_channels` parameter:
    >>> config = create_n2n_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2n_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YXC", # channels must be in the axes
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     independent_channels=False,
    ...     n_channels_in=3,
    ...     n_channels_out=1 # if applicable
    ... )
    if n_channels_out == -1:
        n_channels_out = n_channels_in

    return _create_supervised_configuration(

create_n2v_configuration(experiment_name, data_type, axes, patch_size, batch_size, num_epochs, augmentations=None, independent_channels=True, use_n2v2=False, n_channels=1, roi_size=11, masked_pixel_percentage=0.2, struct_n2v_axis='none', struct_n2v_span=5, logger='none', model_params=None, dataloader_params=None) #

Create a configuration for training Noise2Void.

N2V uses a UNet model to denoise images in a self-supervised manner. To use its variants structN2V and N2V2, set the struct_n2v_axis and struct_n2v_span (structN2V) parameters, or set use_n2v2 to True (N2V2).

N2V2 modifies the UNet architecture by adding blur pool layers and removes the skip connections, thus removing checkboard artefacts. StructN2V is used when vertical or horizontal correlations are present in the noise; it applies an additional mask to the manipulated pixel neighbors.

If "Z" is present in axes, then path_size must be a list of length 3, otherwise 2.

If "C" is present in axes, then you need to set n_channels to the number of channels.

By default, all channels are trained independently. To train all channels together, set independent_channels to False.

By default, the transformations applied are a random flip along X or Y, and a random 90 degrees rotation in the XY plane. Normalization is always applied, as well as the N2V manipulation.

By setting augmentations to None, the default transformations (flip in X and Y, rotations by 90 degrees in the XY plane) are applied. Rather than the default transforms, a list of transforms can be passed to the augmentations parameter. To disable the transforms, simply pass an empty list.

The roi_size parameter specifies the size of the area around each pixel that will be manipulated by N2V. The masked_pixel_percentage parameter specifies how many pixels per patch will be manipulated.

The parameters of the UNet can be specified in the model_params (passed as a parameter-value dictionary). Note that use_n2v2 and 'n_channels' override the corresponding parameters passed in model_params.

If you pass "horizontal" or "vertical" to struct_n2v_axis, then structN2V mask will be applied to each manipulated pixel.


Name Type Description Default
experiment_name str

Name of the experiment.

data_type Literal['array', 'tiff', 'custom']

Type of the data.

axes str

Axes of the data (e.g. SYX).

patch_size List[int]

Size of the patches along the spatial dimensions (e.g. [64, 64]).

batch_size int

Batch size.

num_epochs int

Number of epochs.

augmentations list of transforms

List of transforms to apply, either both or one of XYFlipModel and XYRandomRotate90Model. By default, it applies both XYFlip (on X and Y) and XYRandomRotate90 (in XY) to the images.

independent_channels bool

Whether to train all channels together, by default True.

use_n2v2 bool

Whether to use N2V2, by default False.

n_channels int

Number of channels (in and out), by default 1.

roi_size int

N2V pixel manipulation area, by default 11.

masked_pixel_percentage float

Percentage of pixels masked in each patch, by default 0.2.

struct_n2v_axis Literal['horizontal', 'vertical', 'none']

Axis along which to apply structN2V mask, by default "none".

struct_n2v_span int

Span of the structN2V mask, by default 5.

logger Literal['wandb', 'tensorboard', 'none']

Logger to use, by default "none".

model_params dict

UNetModel parameters, by default None.

dataloader_params dict

Parameters for the dataloader, see PyTorch notes, by default None.



Type Description

Configuration for training N2V.


Minimum example:

>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100
... )

To disable transforms, simply set augmentations to an empty list:

>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     augmentations=[]
... )

A list of transforms can be passed to the augmentations parameter:

>>> from careamics.config.transformations import XYFlipModel
>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     augmentations=[
...         # No rotation and only Y flipping
...         XYFlipModel(flip_x = False, flip_y = True)
...     ]
... )

To use N2V2, simply pass the use_n2v2 parameter:

>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2v2_experiment",
...     data_type="tiff",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     use_n2v2=True
... )

For structN2V, there are two parameters to set, struct_n2v_axis and struct_n2v_span:

>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="structn2v_experiment",
...     data_type="tiff",
...     axes="YX",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     struct_n2v_axis="horizontal",
...     struct_n2v_span=7
... )

If you are training multiple channels they will be trained independently by default, you simply need to specify the number of channels:

>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YXC",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     n_channels=3
... )

If instead you want to train multiple channels together, you need to turn off the independent_channels parameter:

>>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
...     data_type="array",
...     axes="YXC",
...     patch_size=[64, 64],
...     batch_size=32,
...     num_epochs=100,
...     independent_channels=False,
...     n_channels=3
... )
Source code in src/careamics/config/
def create_n2v_configuration(
    experiment_name: str,
    data_type: Literal["array", "tiff", "custom"],
    axes: str,
    patch_size: list[int],
    batch_size: int,
    num_epochs: int,
    augmentations: Optional[list[Union[XYFlipModel, XYRandomRotate90Model]]] = None,
    independent_channels: bool = True,
    use_n2v2: bool = False,
    n_channels: int = 1,
    roi_size: int = 11,
    masked_pixel_percentage: float = 0.2,
    struct_n2v_axis: Literal["horizontal", "vertical", "none"] = "none",
    struct_n2v_span: int = 5,
    logger: Literal["wandb", "tensorboard", "none"] = "none",
    model_params: Optional[dict] = None,
    dataloader_params: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Configuration:
    Create a configuration for training Noise2Void.

    N2V uses a UNet model to denoise images in a self-supervised manner. To use its
    variants structN2V and N2V2, set the `struct_n2v_axis` and `struct_n2v_span`
    (structN2V) parameters, or set `use_n2v2` to True (N2V2).

    N2V2 modifies the UNet architecture by adding blur pool layers and removes the skip
    connections, thus removing checkboard artefacts. StructN2V is used when vertical
    or horizontal correlations are present in the noise; it applies an additional mask
    to the manipulated pixel neighbors.

    If "Z" is present in `axes`, then `path_size` must be a list of length 3, otherwise

    If "C" is present in `axes`, then you need to set `n_channels` to the number of

    By default, all channels are trained independently. To train all channels together,
    set `independent_channels` to False.

    By default, the transformations applied are a random flip along X or Y, and a random
    90 degrees rotation in the XY plane. Normalization is always applied, as well as the
    N2V manipulation.

    By setting `augmentations` to `None`, the default transformations (flip in X and Y,
    rotations by 90 degrees in the XY plane) are applied. Rather than the default
    transforms, a list of transforms can be passed to the `augmentations` parameter. To
    disable the transforms, simply pass an empty list.

    The `roi_size` parameter specifies the size of the area around each pixel that will
    be manipulated by N2V. The `masked_pixel_percentage` parameter specifies how many
    pixels per patch will be manipulated.

    The parameters of the UNet can be specified in the `model_params` (passed as a
    parameter-value dictionary). Note that `use_n2v2` and 'n_channels' override the
    corresponding parameters passed in `model_params`.

    If you pass "horizontal" or "vertical" to `struct_n2v_axis`, then structN2V mask
    will be applied to each manipulated pixel.

    experiment_name : str
        Name of the experiment.
    data_type : Literal["array", "tiff", "custom"]
        Type of the data.
    axes : str
        Axes of the data (e.g. SYX).
    patch_size : List[int]
        Size of the patches along the spatial dimensions (e.g. [64, 64]).
    batch_size : int
        Batch size.
    num_epochs : int
        Number of epochs.
    augmentations : list of transforms, default=None
        List of transforms to apply, either both or one of XYFlipModel and
        XYRandomRotate90Model. By default, it applies both XYFlip (on X and Y)
        and XYRandomRotate90 (in XY) to the images.
    independent_channels : bool, optional
        Whether to train all channels together, by default True.
    use_n2v2 : bool, optional
        Whether to use N2V2, by default False.
    n_channels : int, optional
        Number of channels (in and out), by default 1.
    roi_size : int, optional
        N2V pixel manipulation area, by default 11.
    masked_pixel_percentage : float, optional
        Percentage of pixels masked in each patch, by default 0.2.
    struct_n2v_axis : Literal["horizontal", "vertical", "none"], optional
        Axis along which to apply structN2V mask, by default "none".
    struct_n2v_span : int, optional
        Span of the structN2V mask, by default 5.
    logger : Literal["wandb", "tensorboard", "none"], optional
        Logger to use, by default "none".
    model_params : dict, optional
        UNetModel parameters, by default None.
    dataloader_params : dict, optional
        Parameters for the dataloader, see PyTorch notes, by default None.

        Configuration for training N2V.

    Minimum example:
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100
    ... )

    To disable transforms, simply set `augmentations` to an empty list:
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     augmentations=[]
    ... )

    A list of transforms can be passed to the `augmentations` parameter:
    >>> from careamics.config.transformations import XYFlipModel
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     augmentations=[
    ...         # No rotation and only Y flipping
    ...         XYFlipModel(flip_x = False, flip_y = True)
    ...     ]
    ... )

    To use N2V2, simply pass the `use_n2v2` parameter:
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2v2_experiment",
    ...     data_type="tiff",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     use_n2v2=True
    ... )

    For structN2V, there are two parameters to set, `struct_n2v_axis` and
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="structn2v_experiment",
    ...     data_type="tiff",
    ...     axes="YX",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     struct_n2v_axis="horizontal",
    ...     struct_n2v_span=7
    ... )

    If you are training multiple channels they will be trained independently by default,
    you simply need to specify the number of channels:
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YXC",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     n_channels=3
    ... )

    If instead you want to train multiple channels together, you need to turn off the
    `independent_channels` parameter:
    >>> config = create_n2v_configuration(
    ...     experiment_name="n2v_experiment",
    ...     data_type="array",
    ...     axes="YXC",
    ...     patch_size=[64, 64],
    ...     batch_size=32,
    ...     num_epochs=100,
    ...     independent_channels=False,
    ...     n_channels=3
    ... )
    # if there are channels, we need to specify their number
    if "C" in axes and n_channels == 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of channels must be specified when using channels "
            f"(got {n_channels} channel)."
    elif "C" not in axes and n_channels > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"C is not present in the axes, but number of channels is specified "
            f"(got {n_channels} channel)."

    # augmentations
    transform_list = _list_augmentations(augmentations)

    # create the N2VManipulate transform using the supplied parameters
    n2v_transform = N2VManipulateModel(
            if use_n2v2
            else SupportedPixelManipulation.UNIFORM.value

    return _create_configuration(