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Module containing FCNAlgorithmConfig class.

FCNAlgorithmConfig #

Bases: BaseModel

Algorithm configuration.

This Pydantic model validates the parameters governing the components of the training algorithm: which algorithm, loss function, model architecture, optimizer, and learning rate scheduler to use.

Currently, we only support N2V, CARE, N2N and custom models. The n2v algorithm is only compatible with n2v loss and UNet architecture. The custom algorithm allows you to register your own architecture and select it using its name as name in the custom pydantic model.


Name Type Description
algorithm {n2v, care, n2n, custom}

Algorithm to use.

loss {n2v, mae, mse}

Loss function to use.

model UNetModel or CustomModel

Model architecture to use.

optimizer (OptimizerModel, optional)

Optimizer to use.

lr_scheduler (LrSchedulerModel, optional)

Learning rate scheduler to use.


Type Description

Algorithm parameter type validation errors.


If the algorithm, loss and model are not compatible.


Minimum example:

>>> from careamics.config import FCNAlgorithmConfig
>>> config_dict = {
...     "algorithm": "n2v",
...     "loss": "n2v",
...     "model": {
...         "architecture": "UNet",
...     }
... }
>>> config = FCNAlgorithmConfig(**config_dict)
Source code in src/careamics/config/
class FCNAlgorithmConfig(BaseModel):
    """Algorithm configuration.

    This Pydantic model validates the parameters governing the components of the
    training algorithm: which algorithm, loss function, model architecture, optimizer,
    and learning rate scheduler to use.

    Currently, we only support N2V, CARE, N2N and custom models. The `n2v` algorithm is
    only compatible with `n2v` loss and `UNet` architecture. The `custom` algorithm
    allows you to register your own architecture and select it using its name as
    `name` in the custom pydantic model.

    algorithm : {"n2v", "care", "n2n", "custom"}
        Algorithm to use.
    loss : {"n2v", "mae", "mse"}
        Loss function to use.
    model : UNetModel or CustomModel
        Model architecture to use.
    optimizer : OptimizerModel, optional
        Optimizer to use.
    lr_scheduler : LrSchedulerModel, optional
        Learning rate scheduler to use.

        Algorithm parameter type validation errors.
        If the algorithm, loss and model are not compatible.

    Minimum example:
    >>> from careamics.config import FCNAlgorithmConfig
    >>> config_dict = {
    ...     "algorithm": "n2v",
    ...     "loss": "n2v",
    ...     "model": {
    ...         "architecture": "UNet",
    ...     }
    ... }
    >>> config = FCNAlgorithmConfig(**config_dict)

    # Pydantic class configuration
    model_config = ConfigDict(
        protected_namespaces=(),  # allows to use model_* as a field name

    # Mandatory fields
    algorithm: Literal["n2v", "care", "n2n", "custom"]
    """Name of the algorithm, as defined in SupportedAlgorithm. Use `custom` for custom
    model architecture."""

    loss: Literal["n2v", "mae", "mse"]
    """Loss function to use, as defined in SupportedLoss."""

    model: Union[UNetModel, CustomModel] = Field(discriminator="architecture")
    """Model architecture to use, along with its parameters. Compatible architectures
    are defined in SupportedArchitecture, and their Pydantic models in
    # TODO supported architectures are now all the architectures but does not warn users
    # of the compatibility with the algorithm

    # Optional fields
    optimizer: OptimizerModel = OptimizerModel()
    """Optimizer to use, defined in SupportedOptimizer."""

    lr_scheduler: LrSchedulerModel = LrSchedulerModel()
    """Learning rate scheduler to use, defined in SupportedLrScheduler."""

    def algorithm_cross_validation(self: Self) -> Self:
        """Validate the algorithm model based on `algorithm`.

        - loss must be n2v
        - model must be a `UNetModel`

            The validated model.
        # N2V
        if self.algorithm == "n2v":
            # n2v is only compatible with the n2v loss
            if self.loss != "n2v":
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Algorithm {self.algorithm} only supports loss `n2v`."

            # n2v is only compatible with the UNet model
            if not isinstance(self.model, UNetModel):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Model for algorithm {self.algorithm} must be a `UNetModel`."

            # n2v requires the number of input and output channels to be the same
            if self.model.in_channels != self.model.num_classes:
                raise ValueError(
                    "N2V requires the same number of input and output channels. Make "
                    "sure that `in_channels` and `num_classes` are the same."

        if self.algorithm == "care" or self.algorithm == "n2n":
            if self.loss == "n2v":
                raise ValueError("Supervised algorithms do not support loss `n2v`.")

        if (self.algorithm == "custom") != (self.model.architecture == "custom"):
            raise ValueError(
                "Algorithm and model architecture must be both `custom` or not."

        return self

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Pretty string representing the configuration.

            Pretty string.
        return pformat(self.model_dump())

    def get_compatible_algorithms(cls) -> list[str]:
        """Get the list of compatible algorithms.

        list of str
            List of compatible algorithms.
        return ["n2v", "care", "n2n"]

algorithm: Literal['n2v', 'care', 'n2n', 'custom'] instance-attribute #

Name of the algorithm, as defined in SupportedAlgorithm. Use custom for custom model architecture.

loss: Literal['n2v', 'mae', 'mse'] instance-attribute #

Loss function to use, as defined in SupportedLoss.

lr_scheduler: LrSchedulerModel = LrSchedulerModel() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Learning rate scheduler to use, defined in SupportedLrScheduler.

model: Union[UNetModel, CustomModel] = Field(discriminator='architecture') class-attribute instance-attribute #

Model architecture to use, along with its parameters. Compatible architectures are defined in SupportedArchitecture, and their Pydantic models in careamics.config.architectures.

optimizer: OptimizerModel = OptimizerModel() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optimizer to use, defined in SupportedOptimizer.

__str__() #

Pretty string representing the configuration.


Type Description

Pretty string.

Source code in src/careamics/config/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Pretty string representing the configuration.

        Pretty string.
    return pformat(self.model_dump())

algorithm_cross_validation() #

Validate the algorithm model based on algorithm.

N2V: - loss must be n2v - model must be a UNetModel


Type Description

The validated model.

Source code in src/careamics/config/
def algorithm_cross_validation(self: Self) -> Self:
    """Validate the algorithm model based on `algorithm`.

    - loss must be n2v
    - model must be a `UNetModel`

        The validated model.
    # N2V
    if self.algorithm == "n2v":
        # n2v is only compatible with the n2v loss
        if self.loss != "n2v":
            raise ValueError(
                f"Algorithm {self.algorithm} only supports loss `n2v`."

        # n2v is only compatible with the UNet model
        if not isinstance(self.model, UNetModel):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Model for algorithm {self.algorithm} must be a `UNetModel`."

        # n2v requires the number of input and output channels to be the same
        if self.model.in_channels != self.model.num_classes:
            raise ValueError(
                "N2V requires the same number of input and output channels. Make "
                "sure that `in_channels` and `num_classes` are the same."

    if self.algorithm == "care" or self.algorithm == "n2n":
        if self.loss == "n2v":
            raise ValueError("Supervised algorithms do not support loss `n2v`.")

    if (self.algorithm == "custom") != (self.model.architecture == "custom"):
        raise ValueError(
            "Algorithm and model architecture must be both `custom` or not."

    return self

get_compatible_algorithms() classmethod #

Get the list of compatible algorithms.


Type Description
list of str

List of compatible algorithms.

Source code in src/careamics/config/
def get_compatible_algorithms(cls) -> list[str]:
    """Get the list of compatible algorithms.

    list of str
        List of compatible algorithms.
    return ["n2v", "care", "n2n"]