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Random patching utilities.

extract_patches_random(arr, patch_size, target=None, seed=None) #

Generate patches from an array in a random manner.

The method calculates how many patches the image can be divided into and then extracts an equal number of random patches.

It returns a generator that yields the following:

  • patch: np.ndarray, dimension C(Z)YX.
  • target_patch: np.ndarray, dimension C(Z)YX, if the target is present, None otherwise.


Name Type Description Default
arr ndarray

Input image array.

patch_size Tuple[int]

Patch sizes in each dimension.

target Optional[ndarray]

Target array, by default None.

seed Optional[int]

Random seed, by default None.



Type Description
Generator[ndarray, None, None]

Generator of patches.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/patching/
def extract_patches_random(
    arr: np.ndarray,
    patch_size: Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]],
    target: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    seed: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Generator[Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]], None, None]:
    Generate patches from an array in a random manner.

    The method calculates how many patches the image can be divided into and then
    extracts an equal number of random patches.

    It returns a generator that yields the following:

    - patch: np.ndarray, dimension C(Z)YX.
    - target_patch: np.ndarray, dimension C(Z)YX, if the target is present, None

    arr : np.ndarray
        Input image array.
    patch_size : Tuple[int]
        Patch sizes in each dimension.
    target : Optional[np.ndarray], optional
        Target array, by default None.
    seed : Optional[int], optional
        Random seed, by default None.

    Generator[np.ndarray, None, None]
        Generator of patches.
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)

    is_3d_patch = len(patch_size) == 3

    # patches sanity check
    validate_patch_dimensions(arr, patch_size, is_3d_patch)

    # Update patch size to encompass S and C dimensions
    patch_size = [1, arr.shape[1], *patch_size]

    # iterate over the number of samples (S or T)
    for sample_idx in range(arr.shape[0]):
        # get sample array
        sample: np.ndarray = arr[sample_idx, ...]

        # same for target
        if target is not None:
            target_sample: np.ndarray = target[sample_idx, ...]

        # calculate the number of patches
        n_patches = np.ceil( /

        # iterate over the number of patches
        for _ in range(n_patches):
            # get crop coordinates
            crop_coords = [
                rng.integers(0, sample.shape[i] - patch_size[1:][i], endpoint=True)
                for i in range(len(patch_size[1:]))

            # extract patch
            patch = (
                        ...,  # type: ignore
                        *[  # type: ignore
                            slice(c, c + patch_size[1:][i])
                            for i, c in enumerate(crop_coords)

            # same for target
            if target is not None:
                target_patch = (
                            ...,  # type: ignore
                            *[  # type: ignore
                                slice(c, c + patch_size[1:][i])
                                for i, c in enumerate(crop_coords)
                # return patch and target patch
                yield patch, target_patch
                # return patch
                yield patch, None

extract_patches_random_from_chunks(arr, patch_size, chunk_size, chunk_limit=None, seed=None) #

Generate patches from an array in a random manner.

The method calculates how many patches the image can be divided into and then extracts an equal number of random patches.


Name Type Description Default
arr ndarray

Input image array.

patch_size Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]

Patch sizes in each dimension.

chunk_size Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]

Chunk sizes to load from the.

chunk_limit Optional[int]

Number of chunks to load, by default None.

seed Optional[int]

Random seed, by default None.



Type Description
Generator[ndarray, None, None]

Generator of patches.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/patching/
def extract_patches_random_from_chunks(
    arr: zarr.Array,
    patch_size: Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]],
    chunk_size: Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]],
    chunk_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    seed: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Generator[np.ndarray, None, None]:
    Generate patches from an array in a random manner.

    The method calculates how many patches the image can be divided into and then
    extracts an equal number of random patches.

    arr : np.ndarray
        Input image array.
    patch_size : Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]
        Patch sizes in each dimension.
    chunk_size : Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...]]
        Chunk sizes to load from the.
    chunk_limit : Optional[int], optional
        Number of chunks to load, by default None.
    seed : Optional[int], optional
        Random seed, by default None.

    Generator[np.ndarray, None, None]
        Generator of patches.
    is_3d_patch = len(patch_size) == 3

    # Patches sanity check
    validate_patch_dimensions(arr, patch_size, is_3d_patch)

    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
    num_chunks = chunk_limit if chunk_limit else

    # Iterate over num chunks in the array
    for _ in range(num_chunks):
        chunk_crop_coords = [
            rng.integers(0, max(0, arr.shape[i] - chunk_size[i]), endpoint=True)
            for i in range(len(chunk_size))
        chunk = arr[
                *[slice(c, c + chunk_size[i]) for i, c in enumerate(chunk_crop_coords)],

        # Add a singleton dimension if the chunk does not have a sample dimension
        if len(chunk.shape) == len(patch_size):
            chunk = np.expand_dims(chunk, axis=0)

        # Iterate over num samples (S)
        for sample_idx in range(chunk.shape[0]):
            spatial_chunk = chunk[sample_idx]
            assert len(spatial_chunk.shape) == len(
            ), "Requested chunk shape is not equal to patch size"

            n_patches = np.ceil(

            # Iterate over the number of patches
            for _ in range(n_patches):
                patch_crop_coords = [
                        0, spatial_chunk.shape[i] - patch_size[i], endpoint=True
                    for i in range(len(patch_size))
                patch = (
                                slice(c, c + patch_size[i])
                                for i, c in enumerate(patch_crop_coords)
                yield patch