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Functions to reimplement the tiling in the Disentangle repository.

compute_padding(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps) #

Calculate padding to ensure stitched data comes from the center of a tile.

Padding is added to an array with shape data_shape so that when tiles are stitched together, the data used always comes from the center of a tile, even for tiles at the boundaries of the array.


Name Type Description Default
data_shape 1D numpy.array of int

The shape of the data to be tiled and stitched together, (S, C, (Z), Y, X).

tile_size 1D numpy.array of int

The tile size in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).

overlaps 1D numpy.array of int

The tile overlap in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).



Type Description
tuple of (int, int)

A tuple specifying the padding to add in each dimension, each element is a two element tuple specifying the padding to add before and after the data. This can be used as the pad_width argument to numpy.pad.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def compute_padding(
    data_shape: NDArray[np.int_],
    tile_size: NDArray[np.int_],
    overlaps: NDArray[np.int_],
) -> tuple[tuple[int, int], ...]:
    Calculate padding to ensure stitched data comes from the center of a tile.

    Padding is added to an array with shape `data_shape` so that when tiles are
    stitched together, the data used always comes from the center of a tile, even for
    tiles at the boundaries of the array.

    data_shape : 1D numpy.array of int
        The shape of the data to be tiled and stitched together, (S, C, (Z), Y, X).
    tile_size : 1D numpy.array of int
        The tile size in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).
    overlaps : 1D numpy.array of int
        The tile overlap in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).

    tuple of (int, int)
        A tuple specifying the padding to add in each dimension, each element is a two
        element tuple specifying the padding to add before and after the data. This
        can be used as the `pad_width` argument to `numpy.pad`.
    tile_grid_shape = np.array(compute_tile_grid_shape(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps))
    covered_shape = (tile_size - overlaps) * tile_grid_shape + overlaps

    pad_before = overlaps // 2
    pad_after = covered_shape - data_shape[-len(tile_size) :] - pad_before

    return tuple((before, after) for before, after in zip(pad_before, pad_after))

compute_tile_grid_shape(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps) #

Calculate the number of tiles in each dimension.

This can be thought of as a grid of tiles.


Name Type Description Default
data_shape 1D numpy.array of int

The shape of the data to be tiled and stitched together, (S, C, (Z), Y, X).

tile_size 1D numpy.array of int

The tile size in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).

overlaps 1D numpy.array of int

The tile overlap in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).



Type Description
tuple of int

The number of tiles in each direction, ((Z, Y, X)).

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def compute_tile_grid_shape(
    data_shape: NDArray[np.int_],
    tile_size: NDArray[np.int_],
    overlaps: NDArray[np.int_],
) -> tuple[int, ...]:
    """Calculate the number of tiles in each dimension.

    This can be thought of as a grid of tiles.

    data_shape : 1D numpy.array of int
        The shape of the data to be tiled and stitched together, (S, C, (Z), Y, X).
    tile_size : 1D numpy.array of int
        The tile size in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).
    overlaps : 1D numpy.array of int
        The tile overlap in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).

    tuple of int
        The number of tiles in each direction, ((Z, Y, X)).
    shape = [0 for _ in range(len(tile_size))]
    # assume spatial dimension are the last dimensions so iterate backwards
    for i in range(-1, -len(tile_size) - 1, -1):
        shape[i] = n_tiles_1d(data_shape[i], tile_size[i], overlaps[i])
    return tuple(shape)

compute_tile_info(tile_grid_indices, data_shape, tile_size, overlaps, sample_id=0) #

Compute the tile information for a tile with the coordinates tile_grid_indices.


Name Type Description Default
tile_grid_indices 1D np.array of int

The coordinates of the tile within the tile grid, ((Z), Y, X), i.e. for 2D tiling the coordinates for the second tile in the first row of tiles would be (0, 1).

data_shape 1D np.array of int

The shape of the data, should be (C, (Z), Y, X) where Z is optional.

tile_size 1D np.array of int

Tile sizes in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.

overlaps 1D np.array of int

Overlap values in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.

sample_id int

An ID to identify which sample a tile belongs to.



Type Description

Information that describes how to crop and stitch a tile to create a full image.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def compute_tile_info(
    tile_grid_indices: NDArray[np.int_],
    data_shape: NDArray[np.int_],
    tile_size: NDArray[np.int_],
    overlaps: NDArray[np.int_],
    sample_id: int = 0,
) -> TileInformation:
    Compute the tile information for a tile with the coordinates `tile_grid_indices`.

    tile_grid_indices : 1D np.array of int
        The coordinates of the tile within the tile grid, ((Z), Y, X), i.e. for 2D
        tiling the coordinates for the second tile in the first row of tiles would be
        (0, 1).
    data_shape : 1D np.array of int
        The shape of the data, should be (C, (Z), Y, X) where Z is optional.
    tile_size : 1D np.array of int
        Tile sizes in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.
    overlaps : 1D np.array of int
        Overlap values in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.
    sample_id : int, default=0
        An ID to identify which sample a tile belongs to.

        Information that describes how to crop and stitch a tile to create a full image.
    spatial_dims_shape = data_shape[-len(tile_size) :]

    # The extent of the tile which will make up part of the stitched image.
    stitch_size = tile_size - overlaps
    stitch_coords_start = tile_grid_indices * stitch_size
    stitch_coords_end = stitch_coords_start + stitch_size

    tile_coords_start = stitch_coords_start - overlaps // 2

    # --- replace out of bounds indices
    out_of_lower_bound = stitch_coords_start < 0
    out_of_upper_bound = stitch_coords_end > spatial_dims_shape
    stitch_coords_start[out_of_lower_bound] = 0
    stitch_coords_end[out_of_upper_bound] = spatial_dims_shape[out_of_upper_bound]

    # --- calculate overlap crop coords
    overlap_crop_coords_start = stitch_coords_start - tile_coords_start
    overlap_crop_coords_end = overlap_crop_coords_start + (
        stitch_coords_end - stitch_coords_start

    # --- combine start and end
    stitch_coords = tuple(
        (start, end) for start, end in zip(stitch_coords_start, stitch_coords_end)
    overlap_crop_coords = tuple(
        (start, end)
        for start, end in zip(overlap_crop_coords_start, overlap_crop_coords_end)

    # --- Check if last tile
    tile_grid_shape = np.array(compute_tile_grid_shape(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps))
    last_tile = (tile_grid_indices == (tile_grid_shape - 1)).all()

    tile_info = TileInformation(
    return tile_info

compute_tile_info_legacy(grid_index_manager, index) #

Compute the tile information for a tile at a given dataset index.


Name Type Description Default
grid_index_manager GridIndexManager

The grid index manager that keeps track of tile locations.

index int

The dataset index.



Type Description

Information that describes how to crop and stitch a tile to create a full image.


Type Description

If grid_index_manager.data_shape does not have 4 or 5 dimensions.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def compute_tile_info_legacy(
    grid_index_manager: GridIndexManager, index: int
) -> TileInformation:
    Compute the tile information for a tile at a given dataset index.

    grid_index_manager : GridIndexManager
        The grid index manager that keeps track of tile locations.
    index : int
        The dataset index.

        Information that describes how to crop and stitch a tile to create a full image.

        If `grid_index_manager.data_shape` does not have 4 or 5 dimensions.
    data_shape = np.array(grid_index_manager.data_shape)
    if len(data_shape) == 5:
        n_spatial_dims = 3
    elif len(data_shape) == 4:
        n_spatial_dims = 2
        raise ValueError("Data shape must have 4 or 5 dimensions, equating to SC(Z)YX.")

    stitch_coords_start = np.array(
    stitch_coords_end = stitch_coords_start + np.array(grid_index_manager.grid_shape)

    tile_coords_start = stitch_coords_start - grid_index_manager.patch_offset()

    # --- replace out of bounds indices
    out_of_lower_bound = stitch_coords_start < 0
    out_of_upper_bound = stitch_coords_end > data_shape
    stitch_coords_start[out_of_lower_bound] = 0
    stitch_coords_end[out_of_upper_bound] = data_shape[out_of_upper_bound]

    # TODO: TilingMode not in current version
    # if grid_index_manager.tiling_mode == TilingMode.ShiftBoundary:
    #     for dim in range(len(stitch_coords_start)):
    #         if tile_coords_start[dim] == 0:
    #             stitch_coords_start[dim] = 0
    #         if tile_coords_end[dim] == grid_index_manager.data_shape[dim]:
    #             tile_coords_end [dim]= grid_index_manager.data_shape[dim]

    # --- calculate overlap crop coords
    overlap_crop_coords_start = stitch_coords_start - tile_coords_start
    overlap_crop_coords_end = overlap_crop_coords_start + (
        stitch_coords_end - stitch_coords_start

    last_tile = index == grid_index_manager.total_grid_count() - 1

    # --- combine start and end
    stitch_coords = tuple(
        (start, end) for start, end in zip(stitch_coords_start, stitch_coords_end)
    overlap_crop_coords = tuple(
        (start, end)
        for start, end in zip(overlap_crop_coords_start, overlap_crop_coords_end)

    tile_info = TileInformation(
        array_shape=data_shape[1:],  # remove S dim
    return tile_info

extract_tiles(arr, tile_size, overlaps, padding_kwargs=None) #

Generate tiles from the input array with specified overlap.

The tiles cover the whole array; which will be additionally padded, to ensure that the section of the tile that contributes to the final image comes from the center of the tile.

The method returns a generator that yields tuples of array and tile information, the latter includes whether the tile is the last one, the coordinates of the overlap crop, and the coordinates of the stitched tile.

Input array should have shape SC(Z)YX, while the returned tiles have shape C(Z)YX, where C can be a singleton.


Name Type Description Default
arr ndarray

Array of shape (S, C, (Z), Y, X).

tile_size 1D numpy.ndarray of tuple

Tile sizes in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.

overlaps 1D numpy.ndarray of tuple

Overlap values in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.

padding_kwargs dict

The arguments of np.pad after the first two arguments, array and pad_width. If not specified the default will be {"mode": "reflect"}. See numpy.pad docs:



Type Description
Generator[Tuple[ndarray, TileInformation], None, None]

Tile generator, yields the tile and additional information.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def extract_tiles(
    arr: NDArray,
    tile_size: NDArray[np.int_],
    overlaps: NDArray[np.int_],
    padding_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Generator[tuple[NDArray, TileInformation], None, None]:
    """Generate tiles from the input array with specified overlap.

    The tiles cover the whole array; which will be additionally padded, to ensure that
    the section of the tile that contributes to the final image comes from the center
    of the tile.

    The method returns a generator that yields tuples of array and tile information,
    the latter includes whether the tile is the last one, the coordinates of the
    overlap crop, and the coordinates of the stitched tile.

    Input array should have shape SC(Z)YX, while the returned tiles have shape C(Z)YX,
    where C can be a singleton.

    arr : np.ndarray
        Array of shape (S, C, (Z), Y, X).
    tile_size : 1D numpy.ndarray of tuple
        Tile sizes in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.
    overlaps : 1D numpy.ndarray of tuple
        Overlap values in each dimension, of length 2 or 3.
    padding_kwargs : dict, optional
        The arguments of `np.pad` after the first two arguments, `array` and
        `pad_width`. If not specified the default will be `{"mode": "reflect"}`. See
        `numpy.pad` docs:

    Generator[Tuple[np.ndarray, TileInformation], None, None]
        Tile generator, yields the tile and additional information.
    if padding_kwargs is None:
        padding_kwargs = {"mode": "reflect"}

    # Iterate over num samples (S)
    for sample_idx in range(arr.shape[0]):
        sample = arr[sample_idx, ...]
        data_shape = np.array(sample.shape)

        # add padding to ensure evenly spaced & overlapping tiles.
        spatial_padding = compute_padding(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps)
        padding = ((0, 0), *spatial_padding)
        sample = np.pad(sample, padding, **padding_kwargs)

        # The number of tiles in each dimension, should be of length 2 or 3
        tile_grid_shape = compute_tile_grid_shape(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps)
        # itertools.product is equivalent of nested loops

        stitch_size = tile_size - overlaps
        for tile_grid_indices in itertools.product(
            *[range(n) for n in tile_grid_shape]

            # calculate crop coordinates
            crop_coords_start = np.array(tile_grid_indices) * stitch_size
            crop_slices: tuple[Union[builtins.ellipsis, slice], ...] = (
                    slice(coords, coords + extent)
                    for coords, extent in zip(crop_coords_start, tile_size)
            tile = sample[crop_slices]

            tile_info = compute_tile_info(
            # TODO: kinda weird this is a generator,
            #   -> doesn't really save memory ? Don't think there are any places the
            #    tiles are not exracted all at the same time.
            #   Although I guess it would make sense for a zarr tile extractor.
            yield tile, tile_info

n_tiles_1d(axis_size, tile_size, overlap) #

Calculate the number of tiles in a specific dimension.


Name Type Description Default
axis_size int

The length of the data for in a specific dimension.

tile_size int

The length of the tiles in a specific dimension.

overlap int

The tile overlap in a specific dimension.



Type Description

The number of tiles that fit in one dimension given the arguments.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def n_tiles_1d(axis_size: int, tile_size: int, overlap: int) -> int:
    """Calculate the number of tiles in a specific dimension.

    axis_size : int
        The length of the data for in a specific dimension.
    tile_size : int
        The length of the tiles in a specific dimension.
    overlap : int
        The tile overlap in a specific dimension.

        The number of tiles that fit in one dimension given the arguments.
    return int(np.ceil(axis_size / (tile_size - overlap)))

total_n_tiles(data_shape, tile_size, overlaps) #

Calculate The total number of tiles over all dimensions.


Name Type Description Default
data_shape 1D numpy.array of int

The shape of the data to be tiled and stitched together, (S, C, (Z), Y, X).

tile_size 1D numpy.array of int

The tile size in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).

overlaps 1D numpy.array of int

The tile overlap in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).



Type Description

The total number of tiles over all dimensions.

Source code in src/careamics/dataset/tiling/
def total_n_tiles(
    data_shape: tuple[int, ...], tile_size: tuple[int, ...], overlaps: tuple[int, ...]
) -> int:
    """Calculate The total number of tiles over all dimensions.

    data_shape : 1D numpy.array of int
        The shape of the data to be tiled and stitched together, (S, C, (Z), Y, X).
    tile_size : 1D numpy.array of int
        The tile size in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).
    overlaps : 1D numpy.array of int
        The tile overlap in each dimension, ((Z), Y, X).

        The total number of tiles over all dimensions.
    result = 1
    # assume spatial dimension are the last dimensions so iterate backwards
    for i in range(-1, -len(tile_size) - 1, -1):
        result = result * n_tiles_1d(data_shape[i], tile_size[i], overlaps[i])

    return result