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free_bits_kl(kl, free_bits, batch_average=False, eps=1e-06) #

Compute free-bits version of KL divergence.

This function ensures that the KL doesn't go to zero for any latent dimension. Hence, it contributes to use latent variables more efficiently, leading to better representation learning.

NOTE: Takes in the KL with shape (batch size, layers), returns the KL with free bits (for optimization) with shape (layers,), which is the average free-bits KL per layer in the current batch. If batch_average is False (default), the free bits are per layer and per batch element. Otherwise, the free bits are still per layer, but are assigned on average to the whole batch. In both cases, the batch average is returned, so it's simply a matter of doing mean(clamp(KL)) or clamp(mean(KL)).


Name Type Description Default
kl Tensor

The KL divergence tensor with shape (batch size, layers).

free_bits float

The free bits value. Set to 0.0 to disable free bits.

batch_average bool

Whether to average over the batch before clamping to free_bits.

eps float

A small value to avoid numerical instability.



Type Description

The free-bits version of the KL divergence with shape (layers,).

Source code in src/careamics/losses/lvae/
def free_bits_kl(
    kl: torch.Tensor, free_bits: float, batch_average: bool = False, eps: float = 1e-6
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Compute free-bits version of KL divergence.

    This function ensures that the KL doesn't go to zero for any latent dimension.
    Hence, it contributes to use latent variables more efficiently, leading to
    better representation learning.

    Takes in the KL with shape (batch size, layers), returns the KL with
    free bits (for optimization) with shape (layers,), which is the average
    free-bits KL per layer in the current batch.
    If batch_average is False (default), the free bits are per layer and
    per batch element. Otherwise, the free bits are still per layer, but
    are assigned on average to the whole batch. In both cases, the batch
    average is returned, so it's simply a matter of doing mean(clamp(KL))
    or clamp(mean(KL)).

    kl : torch.Tensor
        The KL divergence tensor with shape (batch size, layers).
    free_bits : float
        The free bits value. Set to 0.0 to disable free bits.
    batch_average : bool
        Whether to average over the batch before clamping to `free_bits`.
    eps : float
        A small value to avoid numerical instability.

        The free-bits version of the KL divergence with shape (layers,).
    assert kl.dim() == 2
    if free_bits < eps:
        return kl.mean(0)
    if batch_average:
        return kl.mean(0).clamp(min=free_bits)
    return kl.clamp(min=free_bits).mean(0)

get_kl_weight(kl_annealing, kl_start, kl_annealtime, kl_weight, current_epoch) #

Compute the weight of the KL loss in case of annealing.


Name Type Description Default
kl_annealing bool

Whether to use KL annealing.

kl_start int

The epoch at which to start

kl_annealtime int

The number of epochs for which annealing is applied.

kl_weight float

The weight for the KL loss. If None, the weight is computed using annealing, else it is set to a default of 1.

current_epoch int

The current epoch.

Source code in src/careamics/losses/lvae/
def get_kl_weight(
    kl_annealing: bool,
    kl_start: int,
    kl_annealtime: int,
    kl_weight: float,
    current_epoch: int,
) -> float:
    """Compute the weight of the KL loss in case of annealing.

    kl_annealing : bool
        Whether to use KL annealing.
    kl_start : int
        The epoch at which to start
    kl_annealtime : int
        The number of epochs for which annealing is applied.
    kl_weight : float
        The weight for the KL loss. If `None`, the weight is computed
        using annealing, else it is set to a default of 1.
    current_epoch : int
        The current epoch.
    if kl_annealing:
        # calculate relative weight
        kl_weight = (current_epoch - kl_start) * (1.0 / kl_annealtime)
        # clamp to [0,1]
        kl_weight = min(max(0.0, kl_weight), 1.0)

        # if the final weight is given, then apply that weight on top of it
        if kl_weight is not None:
            kl_weight = kl_weight * kl_weight
    elif kl_weight is not None:
        return kl_weight
        kl_weight = 1.0
    return kl_weight