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This script provides methods to evaluate the performance of the LVAE model. It includes functions to: - make predictions, - quantify the performance of the model - create plots to visualize the results.

Calibration #

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
class Calibration:

    def __init__(
        self, num_bins: int = 15, mode: Literal["pixelwise", "patchwise"] = "pixelwise"
        self._bins = num_bins
        self._bin_boundaries = None
        self._mode = mode
        assert mode in ["pixelwise", "patchwise"]
        self._boundary_mode = "uniform"
        assert self._boundary_mode in ["quantile", "uniform"]
        # self._bin_boundaries = {}

    def logvar_to_std(self, logvar: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.exp(logvar / 2)

    def compute_bin_boundaries(self, predict_logvar: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        Compute the bin boundaries for `num_bins` bins and the given logvar values.
        if self._boundary_mode == "quantile":
            boundaries = np.quantile(
                self.logvar_to_std(predict_logvar), np.linspace(0, 1, self._bins + 1)
            return boundaries
            min_logvar = np.min(predict_logvar)
            max_logvar = np.max(predict_logvar)
            min_std = self.logvar_to_std(min_logvar)
            max_std = self.logvar_to_std(max_logvar)
        return np.linspace(min_std, max_std, self._bins + 1)

    def compute_stats(
        self, pred: np.ndarray, pred_logvar: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray
    ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List]]]:
        It computes the bin-wise RMSE and RMV for each channel of the predicted image.

        Recall that:
            - RMSE = np.sqrt((pred - target)**2 / num_pixels)
            - RMV = np.sqrt(np.mean(pred_std**2))

        - For each channel:
            - Given the bin boundaries, assign pixels of `std_ch` array to a specific bin index.
            - For each bin index:
                - Compute the RMSE, RMV, and number of pixels for that bin.

        NOTE: each channel of the predicted image/logvar has its own stats.

            pred: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)
            pred_logvar: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)
            target: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)
        self._bin_boundaries = {}
        stats = {}
        for ch_idx in range(pred.shape[-1]):
            stats[ch_idx] = {
                "bin_count": [],
                "rmv": [],
                "rmse": [],
                "bin_boundaries": None,
                "bin_matrix": [],
            pred_ch = pred[..., ch_idx]
            logvar_ch = pred_logvar[..., ch_idx]
            std_ch = self.logvar_to_std(logvar_ch)
            target_ch = target[..., ch_idx]
            if self._mode == "pixelwise":
                boundaries = self.compute_bin_boundaries(logvar_ch)
                stats[ch_idx]["bin_boundaries"] = boundaries
                bin_matrix = np.digitize(std_ch.reshape(-1), boundaries)
                bin_matrix = bin_matrix.reshape(std_ch.shape)
                stats[ch_idx]["bin_matrix"] = bin_matrix
                error = (pred_ch - target_ch) ** 2
                for bin_idx in range(self._bins):
                    bin_mask = bin_matrix == bin_idx
                    bin_error = error[bin_mask]
                    bin_size = np.sum(bin_mask)
                    bin_error = (
                        np.sqrt(np.sum(bin_error) / bin_size) if bin_size > 0 else None
                    )  # RMSE
                    bin_var = np.sqrt(np.mean(std_ch[bin_mask] ** 2))  # RMV
                raise NotImplementedError("Patchwise mode is not implemented yet.")
        return stats

compute_bin_boundaries(predict_logvar) #

Compute the bin boundaries for num_bins bins and the given logvar values.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def compute_bin_boundaries(self, predict_logvar: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the bin boundaries for `num_bins` bins and the given logvar values.
    if self._boundary_mode == "quantile":
        boundaries = np.quantile(
            self.logvar_to_std(predict_logvar), np.linspace(0, 1, self._bins + 1)
        return boundaries
        min_logvar = np.min(predict_logvar)
        max_logvar = np.max(predict_logvar)
        min_std = self.logvar_to_std(min_logvar)
        max_std = self.logvar_to_std(max_logvar)
    return np.linspace(min_std, max_std, self._bins + 1)

compute_stats(pred, pred_logvar, target) #

It computes the bin-wise RMSE and RMV for each channel of the predicted image.

Recall that: - RMSE = np.sqrt((pred - target)2 / num_pixels) - RMV = np.sqrt(np.mean(pred_std2))

ALGORITHM - For each channel: - Given the bin boundaries, assign pixels of std_ch array to a specific bin index. - For each bin index: - Compute the RMSE, RMV, and number of pixels for that bin.

NOTE: each channel of the predicted image/logvar has its own stats.

Args: pred: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c) pred_logvar: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c) target: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def compute_stats(
    self, pred: np.ndarray, pred_logvar: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray
) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List]]]:
    It computes the bin-wise RMSE and RMV for each channel of the predicted image.

    Recall that:
        - RMSE = np.sqrt((pred - target)**2 / num_pixels)
        - RMV = np.sqrt(np.mean(pred_std**2))

    - For each channel:
        - Given the bin boundaries, assign pixels of `std_ch` array to a specific bin index.
        - For each bin index:
            - Compute the RMSE, RMV, and number of pixels for that bin.

    NOTE: each channel of the predicted image/logvar has its own stats.

        pred: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)
        pred_logvar: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)
        target: np.ndarray, shape (n, h, w, c)
    self._bin_boundaries = {}
    stats = {}
    for ch_idx in range(pred.shape[-1]):
        stats[ch_idx] = {
            "bin_count": [],
            "rmv": [],
            "rmse": [],
            "bin_boundaries": None,
            "bin_matrix": [],
        pred_ch = pred[..., ch_idx]
        logvar_ch = pred_logvar[..., ch_idx]
        std_ch = self.logvar_to_std(logvar_ch)
        target_ch = target[..., ch_idx]
        if self._mode == "pixelwise":
            boundaries = self.compute_bin_boundaries(logvar_ch)
            stats[ch_idx]["bin_boundaries"] = boundaries
            bin_matrix = np.digitize(std_ch.reshape(-1), boundaries)
            bin_matrix = bin_matrix.reshape(std_ch.shape)
            stats[ch_idx]["bin_matrix"] = bin_matrix
            error = (pred_ch - target_ch) ** 2
            for bin_idx in range(self._bins):
                bin_mask = bin_matrix == bin_idx
                bin_error = error[bin_mask]
                bin_size = np.sum(bin_mask)
                bin_error = (
                    np.sqrt(np.sum(bin_error) / bin_size) if bin_size > 0 else None
                )  # RMSE
                bin_var = np.sqrt(np.mean(std_ch[bin_mask] ** 2))  # RMV
            raise NotImplementedError("Patchwise mode is not implemented yet.")
    return stats

PatchLocation #

Encapsulates t_idx and spatial location.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
class PatchLocation:
    Encapsulates t_idx and spatial location.

    def __init__(self, h_idx_range, w_idx_range, t_idx):
        self.t = t_idx
        self.h_start, self.h_end = h_idx_range
        self.w_start, self.w_end = w_idx_range

    def __str__(self):
        msg = f"T:{self.t} [{self.h_start}-{self.h_end}) [{self.w_start}-{self.w_end}) "
        return msg

TilingMode #

Enum for the tiling mode.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
class TilingMode:
    Enum for the tiling mode.

    TrimBoundary = 0
    PadBoundary = 1
    ShiftBoundary = 2

add_psnr_str(ax_, psnr) #

Add psnr string to the axes

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def add_psnr_str(ax_, psnr):
    Add psnr string to the axes
    textstr = f"PSNR\n{psnr}"
    props = dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="gray", alpha=0.5)
    # place a text box in upper left in axes coords

clean_ax(ax) #

Helper function to remove ticks from axes in plots.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def clean_ax(ax):
    Helper function to remove ticks from axes in plots.
    # 2D or 1D axes are of type np.ndarray
    if isinstance(ax, np.ndarray):
        for one_ax in ax:

    ax.tick_params(left=False, right=False, top=False, bottom=False)

get_calibrated_factor_for_stdev(pred, pred_logvar, target, batch_size=32, epochs=500, lr=0.01) #

Here, we calibrate the uncertainty by multiplying the predicted std (mmse estimate or predicted logvar) with a scalar. We return the calibrated scalar. This needs to be multiplied with the std.

NOTE: Why is the input logvar and not std? because the model typically predicts logvar and not std.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_calibrated_factor_for_stdev(
    pred: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
    pred_logvar: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
    target: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
    batch_size: int = 32,
    epochs: int = 500,
    lr: float = 0.01,
    Here, we calibrate the uncertainty by multiplying the predicted std (mmse estimate or predicted logvar) with a scalar.
    We return the calibrated scalar. This needs to be multiplied with the std.

    NOTE: Why is the input logvar and not std? because the model typically predicts logvar and not std.
    # create a learnable scalar
    scalar = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(2.0))
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([scalar], lr=lr)

    bar = tqdm(range(epochs))
    for _ in bar:
        # Select a random batch of predictions
        mask = np.random.randint(0, pred.shape[0], batch_size)
        pred_batch = torch.Tensor(pred[mask]).cuda()
        pred_logvar_batch = torch.Tensor(pred_logvar[mask]).cuda()
        target_batch = torch.Tensor(target[mask]).cuda()

        loss = torch.mean(
            nll(target_batch, pred_batch, pred_logvar_batch + torch.log(scalar))
        bar.set_description(f"nll: {loss.item()} scalar: {scalar.item()}")

    return np.sqrt(scalar.item())

get_dset_predictions(model, dset, batch_size, loss_type, mmse_count=1, num_workers=4) #

Get patch-wise predictions from a model for the entire dataset.


Name Type Description Default
model VAEModule

Lightning model used for prediction.

dset Dataset

Dataset to predict on.

batch_size int

Batch size to use for prediction.

loss_type Literal['musplit', 'denoisplit', 'denoisplit_musplit']

Type of reconstruction loss used by the model, by default None.

mmse_count int

Number of samples to generate for each input and then to average over for MMSE estimation, by default 1.

num_workers int

Number of workers to use for DataLoader, by default 4.



Type Description
tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, List[float]]

Tuple containing: - predictions: Predicted images for the dataset. - predictions_std: Standard deviation of the predicted images. - logvar_arr: Log variance of the predicted images. - losses: Reconstruction losses for the predictions. - psnr: PSNR values for the predictions.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_dset_predictions(
    model: VAEModule,
    dset: Dataset,
    batch_size: int,
    loss_type: Literal["musplit", "denoisplit", "denoisplit_musplit"],
    mmse_count: int = 1,
    num_workers: int = 4,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, List[float]]:
    """Get patch-wise predictions from a model for the entire dataset.

    model : VAEModule
        Lightning model used for prediction.
    dset : Dataset
        Dataset to predict on.
    batch_size : int
        Batch size to use for prediction.
    loss_type :
        Type of reconstruction loss used by the model, by default `None`.
    mmse_count : int, optional
        Number of samples to generate for each input and then to average over for
        MMSE estimation, by default 1.
    num_workers : int, optional
        Number of workers to use for DataLoader, by default 4.

    tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, List[float]]
        Tuple containing:
            - predictions: Predicted images for the dataset.
            - predictions_std: Standard deviation of the predicted images.
            - logvar_arr: Log variance of the predicted images.
            - losses: Reconstruction losses for the predictions.
            - psnr: PSNR values for the predictions.
    dloader = DataLoader(

    gauss_likelihood = model.gaussian_likelihood
    nm_likelihood = model.noise_model_likelihood

    predictions = []
    predictions_std = []
    losses = []
    logvar_arr = []
    num_channels = dset[0][1].shape[0]
    patch_psnr_channels = [RunningPSNR() for _ in range(num_channels)]
    with torch.no_grad():
        for batch in tqdm(dloader, desc="Predicting patches"):
            inp, tar = batch
            inp = inp.cuda()
            tar = tar.cuda()

            rec_img_list = []
            for mmse_idx in range(mmse_count):

                # TODO: case of HDN left for future refactoring
                # if model_type == ModelType.Denoiser:
                #     assert model.denoise_channel in [
                #         "Ch1",
                #         "Ch2",
                #         "input",
                #     ], '"all" denoise channel not supported for evaluation. Pick one of "Ch1", "Ch2", "input"'

                #     x_normalized_new, tar_new = model.get_new_input_target(
                #         (inp, tar, *batch[2:])
                #     )
                #     rec, _ = model(x_normalized_new)
                #     rec_loss, imgs = model.get_reconstruction_loss(
                #         rec,
                #         tar,
                #         x_normalized_new,
                #         return_predicted_img=True,
                #     )

                # get model output
                rec, _ = model(inp)

                # get reconstructed img
                if model.model.predict_logvar is None:
                    rec_img = rec
                    logvar = torch.tensor([-1])
                    rec_img, logvar = torch.chunk(rec, chunks=2, dim=1)
                rec_img_list.append(rec_img.cpu().unsqueeze(0))  # add MMSE dim

                # compute reconstruction loss
                # if loss_type == "musplit":
                #     rec_loss = get_reconstruction_loss(
                #         reconstruction=rec, target=tar, likelihood_obj=gauss_likelihood
                #     )
                # elif loss_type == "denoisplit":
                #     rec_loss = get_reconstruction_loss(
                #         reconstruction=rec, target=tar, likelihood_obj=nm_likelihood
                #     )
                # elif loss_type == "denoisplit_musplit":
                #     rec_loss = reconstruction_loss_musplit_denoisplit(
                #         predictions=rec,
                #         targets=tar,
                #         gaussian_likelihood=gauss_likelihood,
                #         nm_likelihood=nm_likelihood,
                #         nm_weight=model.loss_parameters.denoisplit_weight,
                #         gaussian_weight=model.loss_parameters.musplit_weight,
                #     )
                #     rec_loss = {"loss": rec_loss}  # hacky, but ok for now

                # # store rec loss values for first pred
                # if mmse_idx == 0:
                #     try:
                #         losses.append(rec_loss["loss"].cpu().numpy())
                #     except:
                #         losses.append(rec_loss["loss"])

                # update running PSNR
                # for i in range(num_channels):
                #     patch_psnr_channels[i].update(rec_img[:, i], tar[:, i])

            # aggregate results
            samples =, dim=0)
            mmse_imgs = torch.mean(samples, dim=0)  # avg over MMSE dim
            # mmse_std = torch.std(samples, dim=0)
            # predictions_std.append(mmse_std.cpu().numpy())

    # psnr = [x.get() for x in patch_psnr_channels]
    return np.concatenate(predictions, axis=0)

get_eval_output_dir(saveplotsdir, patch_size, mmse_count=50) #

Given the path to a root directory to save plots, patch size, and mmse count, it returns the specific directory to save the plots.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_eval_output_dir(
    saveplotsdir: str, patch_size: int, mmse_count: int = 50
) -> str:
    Given the path to a root directory to save plots, patch size, and mmse count,
    it returns the specific directory to save the plots.
    eval_out_dir = os.path.join(
        saveplotsdir, f"eval_outputs/patch_{patch_size}_mmse_{mmse_count}"
    os.makedirs(eval_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
    return eval_out_dir

get_fractional_change(target, prediction, max_val=None) #

Get relative difference between target and prediction.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_fractional_change(target, prediction, max_val=None):
    Get relative difference between target and prediction.
    if max_val is None:
        max_val = target.max()
    return (target - prediction) / max_val

get_location_from_idx(dset, dset_input_idx, pred_h, pred_w) #

For a given idx of the dataset, it returns where exactly in the dataset, does this prediction lies. Note that this prediction also has padded pixels and so a subset of it will be used in the final prediction. Which time frame, which spatial location (h_start, h_end, w_start,w_end) Args: dset: dset_input_idx: pred_h: pred_w:

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_location_from_idx(dset, dset_input_idx, pred_h, pred_w):
    For a given idx of the dataset, it returns where exactly in the dataset, does this prediction lies.
    Note that this prediction also has padded pixels and so a subset of it will be used in the final prediction.
    Which time frame, which spatial location (h_start, h_end, w_start,w_end)

    extra_padding = dset.per_side_overlap_pixelcount()
    htw = dset.get_idx_manager().hwt_from_idx(
        dset_input_idx, grid_size=dset.get_grid_size()
    return _get_location(extra_padding, htw, pred_h, pred_w)

get_predictions(idx, val_dset, model, mmse_count=50, patch_size=256) #

Given an index and a validation/test set, it returns the input, target and the reconstructed images for that index.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_predictions(idx, val_dset, model, mmse_count=50, patch_size=256):
    Given an index and a validation/test set, it returns the input, target and the reconstructed images for that index.
    print(f"Predicting for {idx}")
    val_dset.set_img_sz(patch_size, 64)

    with torch.no_grad():
        # val_dset.enable_noise()
        inp, tar = val_dset[idx]
        # val_dset.disable_noise()

        inp = torch.Tensor(inp[None])
        tar = torch.Tensor(tar[None])
        inp = inp.cuda()
        x_normalized = model.normalize_input(inp)
        tar = tar.cuda()
        tar_normalized = model.normalize_target(tar)

        recon_img_list = []
        for _ in range(mmse_count):
            recon_normalized, td_data = model(x_normalized)
            rec_loss, imgs = model.get_reconstruction_loss(
            imgs = model.unnormalize_target(imgs)

    recon_img_list = np.array(recon_img_list)
    return inp, tar, recon_img_list

get_psnr_str(tar_hsnr, pred, col_idx) #

Compute PSNR between the ground truth (tar_hsnr) and the predicted image (pred).

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_psnr_str(tar_hsnr, pred, col_idx):
    Compute PSNR between the ground truth (`tar_hsnr`) and the predicted image (`pred`).
    return f"{scale_invariant_psnr(tar_hsnr[col_idx][None], pred[col_idx][None]).item():.1f}"

get_zero_centered_midval(error) #

When done this way, the midval ensures that the colorbar is centered at 0. (Don't know how, but it works ;))

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def get_zero_centered_midval(error):
    When done this way, the midval ensures that the colorbar is centered at 0. (Don't know how, but it works ;))
    vmax = error.max()
    vmin = error.min()
    midval = 1 - vmax / (vmax + abs(vmin))
    return midval

nll(x, mean, logvar) #

Log of the probability density of the values x under the Normal distribution with parameters mean and logvar.

:param x: tensor of points, with shape (batch, channels, dim1, dim2) :param mean: tensor with mean of distribution, shape (batch, channels, dim1, dim2) :param logvar: tensor with log-variance of distribution, shape has to be either scalar or broadcastable

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def nll(x, mean, logvar):
    Log of the probability density of the values x under the Normal
    distribution with parameters mean and logvar.

    :param x: tensor of points, with shape (batch, channels, dim1, dim2)
    :param mean: tensor with mean of distribution, shape
                 (batch, channels, dim1, dim2)
    :param logvar: tensor with log-variance of distribution, shape has to be
                   either scalar or broadcastable
    var = torch.exp(logvar)
    log_prob = -0.5 * (
        ((x - mean) ** 2) / var + logvar + torch.tensor(2 * math.pi).log()
    nll = -log_prob
    return nll

plot_crops(inp, tar, tar_hsnr, recon_img_list, calibration_stats, num_samples=2, baseline_preds=None) #

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def plot_crops(
    """ """
    if baseline_preds is None:
        baseline_preds = []
    if len(baseline_preds) > 0:
        for i in range(len(baseline_preds)):
            if baseline_preds[i].shape != tar_hsnr.shape:
                    f"Baseline prediction {i} shape {baseline_preds[i].shape} does not match target shape {tar_hsnr.shape}"
                print("This happens when we want to predict the edges of the image.")

    # color_ch_list = ['goldenrod', 'cyan']
    # color_pred = 'red'
    # insetplot_xmax_value = 10000
    # insetplot_xmin_value = -1000
    # inset_min_labelsize = 10
    # inset_rect = [0.05, 0.05, 0.4, 0.2]

    # Set plot attributes
    img_sz = 3
    ncols = num_samples + len(baseline_preds) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 * (num_samples > 1)
    grid_factor = 5
    grid_img_sz = img_sz * grid_factor
    example_spacing = 1
    c0_extra = 1
    nimgs = 1
    fig_w = ncols * img_sz + 2 * c0_extra / grid_factor
    fig_h = int(img_sz * ncols + (example_spacing * (nimgs - 1)) / grid_factor)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_w, fig_h))
    gs = GridSpec(
        nrows=int(grid_factor * fig_h),
        ncols=int(grid_factor * fig_w),
    params = {"mathtext.default": "regular"}

    # plot baselines
    for i in range(2, 2 + len(baseline_preds)):
        for col_idx in range(baseline_preds[0].shape[0]):
            ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                    col_idx * grid_img_sz : grid_img_sz * (col_idx + 1),
                    i * grid_img_sz + c0_extra : (i + 1) * grid_img_sz + c0_extra,
            print(tar_hsnr.shape, baseline_preds[i - 2].shape)
            psnr = get_psnr_str(tar_hsnr, baseline_preds[i - 2], col_idx)
            ax_temp.imshow(baseline_preds[i - 2][col_idx], cmap="magma")
            add_psnr_str(ax_temp, psnr)

    # plot samples
    sample_start_idx = 2 + len(baseline_preds)
    for i in range(sample_start_idx, ncols - 3):
        for col_idx in range(recon_img_list.shape[1]):
            ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                    col_idx * grid_img_sz : grid_img_sz * (col_idx + 1),
                    i * grid_img_sz + c0_extra : (i + 1) * grid_img_sz + c0_extra,
            psnr = get_psnr_str(tar_hsnr, recon_img_list[i - sample_start_idx], col_idx)
            ax_temp.imshow(recon_img_list[i - sample_start_idx][col_idx], cmap="magma")
            add_psnr_str(ax_temp, psnr)
            # inset_ax = add_pixel_kde(ax_temp,
            #                       inset_rect,
            #                       [tar_hsnr[col_idx],
            #                        recon_img_list[i - sample_start_idx][col_idx]],
            #                       inset_min_labelsize,
            #                       label_list=['', ''],
            #                       color_list=[color_ch_list[col_idx], color_pred],
            #                       plot_xmax_value=insetplot_xmax_value,
            #                       plot_xmin_value=insetplot_xmin_value)

            # inset_ax.set_xticks([])
            # inset_ax.set_yticks([])

    # difference image
    if num_samples > 1:
        for col_idx in range(recon_img_list.shape[1]):
            ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                    col_idx * grid_img_sz : grid_img_sz * (col_idx + 1),
                    (ncols - 3) * grid_img_sz
                    + c0_extra : (ncols - 2) * grid_img_sz
                    + c0_extra,
                recon_img_list[1][col_idx] - recon_img_list[0][col_idx], cmap="coolwarm"

    for col_idx in range(recon_img_list.shape[1]):
        # print(recon_img_list.shape)
        ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                col_idx * grid_img_sz : grid_img_sz * (col_idx + 1),
                + (ncols - 2) * grid_img_sz : (ncols - 1) * grid_img_sz
                + c0_extra,
        psnr = get_psnr_str(tar_hsnr, recon_img_list.mean(axis=0), col_idx)
        ax_temp.imshow(recon_img_list.mean(axis=0)[col_idx], cmap="magma")
        add_psnr_str(ax_temp, psnr)
        # inset_ax = add_pixel_kde(ax_temp,
        #                           inset_rect,
        #                           [tar_hsnr[col_idx],
        #                            recon_img_list.mean(axis=0)[col_idx]],
        #                           inset_min_labelsize,
        #                           label_list=['', ''],
        #                           color_list=[color_ch_list[col_idx], color_pred],
        #                           plot_xmax_value=insetplot_xmax_value,
        #                           plot_xmin_value=insetplot_xmin_value)
        # inset_ax.set_xticks([])
        # inset_ax.set_yticks([])


        ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                col_idx * grid_img_sz : grid_img_sz * (col_idx + 1),
                (ncols - 1) * grid_img_sz
                + 2 * c0_extra : (ncols) * grid_img_sz
                + 2 * c0_extra,
        ax_temp.imshow(tar_hsnr[col_idx], cmap="magma")
        if col_idx == 0:
            legend_ch1_ax = ax_temp
        if col_idx == 1:
            legend_ch2_ax = ax_temp

        # inset_ax = add_pixel_kde(ax_temp,
        #                           inset_rect,
        #                           [tar_hsnr[col_idx],
        #                            ],
        #                           inset_min_labelsize,
        #                           label_list=[''],
        #                           color_list=[color_ch_list[col_idx]],
        #                           plot_xmax_value=insetplot_xmax_value,
        #                           plot_xmin_value=insetplot_xmin_value)
        # inset_ax.set_xticks([])
        # inset_ax.set_yticks([])


        ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                col_idx * grid_img_sz : grid_img_sz * (col_idx + 1),
                grid_img_sz : 2 * grid_img_sz,
        ax_temp.imshow(tar[0, col_idx].cpu().numpy(), cmap="magma")
        # inset_ax = add_pixel_kde(ax_temp,
        #                           inset_rect,
        #                           [tar[0,col_idx].cpu().numpy(),
        #                            ],
        #                           inset_min_labelsize,
        #                           label_list=[''],
        #                           color_list=[color_ch_list[col_idx]],
        #                           plot_kwargs_list=[{'linestyle':'--'}],
        #                           plot_xmax_value=insetplot_xmax_value,
        #                           plot_xmin_value=insetplot_xmin_value)

        # inset_ax.set_xticks([])
        # inset_ax.set_yticks([])


    ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:grid_img_sz, 0:grid_img_sz])
    ax_temp.imshow(inp[0, 0].cpu().numpy(), cmap="magma")

    # line_ch1 = mlines.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], color=color_ch_list[0], linestyle='-', label='$C_1$')
    # line_ch2 = mlines.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], color=color_ch_list[1], linestyle='-', label='$C_2$')
    # line_pred = mlines.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], color=color_pred, linestyle='-', label='Pred')
    # line_noisych1 = mlines.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], color=color_ch_list[0], linestyle='--', label='$C^N_1$')
    # line_noisych2 = mlines.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], color=color_ch_list[1], linestyle='--', label='$C^N_2$')
    # legend_ch1 = legend_ch1_ax.legend(handles=[line_ch1, line_noisych1, line_pred], loc='upper right', frameon=False, labelcolor='white',
    #                         prop={'size': 11})
    # legend_ch2 = legend_ch2_ax.legend(handles=[line_ch2, line_noisych2, line_pred], loc='upper right', frameon=False, labelcolor='white',
    #                             prop={'size': 11})

    if calibration_stats is not None:
        smaller_offset = 4
        ax_temp = fig.add_subplot(
                grid_img_sz + 1 : 2 * grid_img_sz - smaller_offset + 1,
                smaller_offset - 1 : grid_img_sz - 1,
        plot_calibration(ax_temp, calibration_stats)

plot_error(target, prediction,, ax=None, max_val=None) #

Plot the relative difference between target and prediction. NOTE: The plot is overlapped to the prediction image (in gray scale). NOTE: The colorbar is centered at 0.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def plot_error(target, prediction,, ax=None, max_val=None):
    Plot the relative difference between target and prediction.
    NOTE: The plot is overlapped to the prediction image (in gray scale).
    NOTE: The colorbar is centered at 0.
    if ax is None:
        _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))

    # Relative difference between target and prediction
    rel_diff = get_fractional_change(target, prediction, max_val=max_val)
    midval = get_zero_centered_midval(rel_diff)
    shifted_cmap = shiftedColorMap(
        cmap, start=0, midpoint=midval, stop=1.0, name="shiftedcmap"
    ax.imshow(prediction, cmap="gray")
    img_err = ax.imshow(rel_diff, cmap=shifted_cmap, alpha=1)
    plt.colorbar(img_err, ax=ax)

shiftedColorMap(cmap, start=0, midpoint=0.5, stop=1.0, name='shiftedcmap') #

Adapted from

Function to offset the "center" of a colormap. Useful for data with a negative min and positive max and you want the middle of the colormap's dynamic range to be at zero.


cmap : The matplotlib colormap to be altered start : Offset from lowest point in the colormap's range. Defaults to 0.0 (no lower offset). Should be between 0.0 and midpoint. midpoint : The new center of the colormap. Defaults to 0.5 (no shift). Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. In general, this should be 1 - vmax / (vmax + abs(vmin)) For example if your data range from -15.0 to +5.0 and you want the center of the colormap at 0.0, midpoint should be set to 1 - 5/(5 + 15)) or 0.75 stop : Offset from highest point in the colormap's range. Defaults to 1.0 (no upper offset). Should be between midpoint and 1.0.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def shiftedColorMap(cmap, start=0, midpoint=0.5, stop=1.0, name="shiftedcmap"):
    Adapted from

    Function to offset the "center" of a colormap. Useful for
    data with a negative min and positive max and you want the
    middle of the colormap's dynamic range to be at zero.

      cmap : The matplotlib colormap to be altered
      start : Offset from lowest point in the colormap's range.
          Defaults to 0.0 (no lower offset). Should be between
          0.0 and `midpoint`.
      midpoint : The new center of the colormap. Defaults to
          0.5 (no shift). Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. In
          general, this should be  1 - vmax / (vmax + abs(vmin))
          For example if your data range from -15.0 to +5.0 and
          you want the center of the colormap at 0.0, `midpoint`
          should be set to  1 - 5/(5 + 15)) or 0.75
      stop : Offset from highest point in the colormap's range.
          Defaults to 1.0 (no upper offset). Should be between
          `midpoint` and 1.0.
    cdict = {"red": [], "green": [], "blue": [], "alpha": []}

    # regular index to compute the colors
    reg_index = np.linspace(start, stop, 257)
    mid_idx = len(reg_index) // 2
    # shifted index to match the data
    shift_index = np.hstack(
            np.linspace(0.0, midpoint, 128, endpoint=False),
            np.linspace(midpoint, 1.0, 129, endpoint=True),

    for ri, si in zip(reg_index, shift_index):
        r, g, b, a = cmap(ri)
        a = np.abs(ri - reg_index[mid_idx]) / reg_index[mid_idx]
        # print(a)
        cdict["red"].append((si, r, r))
        cdict["green"].append((si, g, g))
        cdict["blue"].append((si, b, b))
        cdict["alpha"].append((si, a, a))

    newcmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)
    matplotlib.colormaps.register(cmap=newcmap, force=True)

    return newcmap

show_for_one(idx, val_dset, highsnr_val_dset, model, calibration_stats, mmse_count=5, patch_size=256, num_samples=2, baseline_preds=None) #

Given an index, it plots the input, target, reconstructed images and the difference image. Note the the difference image is computed with respect to a ground truth image, obtained from the high SNR dataset.

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def show_for_one(
    Given an index, it plots the input, target, reconstructed images and the difference image.
    Note the the difference image is computed with respect to a ground truth image, obtained from the high SNR dataset.
    highsnr_val_dset.set_img_sz(patch_size, 64)
    _, tar_hsnr = highsnr_val_dset[idx]
    inp, tar, recon_img_list = get_predictions(
        idx, val_dset, model, mmse_count=mmse_count, patch_size=patch_size

stitch_predictions(predictions, dset, smoothening_pixelcount=0) #

Args: smoothening_pixelcount: number of pixels which can be interpolated

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def stitch_predictions(predictions, dset, smoothening_pixelcount=0):
        smoothening_pixelcount: number of pixels which can be interpolated
    assert smoothening_pixelcount >= 0 and isinstance(smoothening_pixelcount, int)
    extra_padding = dset.per_side_overlap_pixelcount()
    # if there are more channels, use all of them.
    shape = list(dset.get_data_shape())
    shape[-1] = max(shape[-1], predictions.shape[1])

    output = np.zeros(shape, dtype=predictions.dtype)
    frame_shape = dset.get_data_shape()[1:3]
    for dset_input_idx in range(predictions.shape[0]):
        loc = get_location_from_idx(
            dset, dset_input_idx, predictions.shape[-2], predictions.shape[-1]

        mask = None
        cropped_pred_list = []
        for ch_idx in range(predictions.shape[1]):
            # class i
            cropped_pred_i = remove_pad(
                predictions[dset_input_idx, ch_idx],

            if mask is None:
                # NOTE: don't need to compute it for every patch.
                assert (
                    smoothening_pixelcount == 0
                ), "For smoothing,enable the get_smoothing_mask. It is disabled since I don't use it and it needs modification to work with non-square images"
                mask = 1
                # mask = _get_smoothing_mask(cropped_pred_i.shape, smoothening_pixelcount, loc, frame_size)


        loc = update_loc_for_final_insertion(loc, extra_padding, smoothening_pixelcount)
        for ch_idx in range(predictions.shape[1]):
            output[loc.t, loc.h_start : loc.h_end, loc.w_start : loc.w_end, ch_idx] += (
                cropped_pred_list[ch_idx] * mask

    return output

stitch_predictions_new(predictions, dset) #

Args: smoothening_pixelcount: number of pixels which can be interpolated

Source code in src/careamics/lvae_training/
def stitch_predictions_new(predictions, dset):
        smoothening_pixelcount: number of pixels which can be interpolated
    # Commented out since it is not used as of now
    # if isinstance(dset, MultiFileDset):
    #     cum_count = 0
    #     output = []
    #     for dset in dset.dsets:
    #         cnt = dset.idx_manager.total_grid_count()
    #         output.append(
    #             stitch_predictions(predictions[cum_count:cum_count + cnt], dset))
    #         cum_count += cnt
    #     return output

    # else:
    mng = dset.idx_manager

    # if there are more channels, use all of them.
    shape = list(dset.get_data_shape())
    shape[-1] = max(shape[-1], predictions.shape[1])

    output = np.zeros(shape, dtype=predictions.dtype)
    # frame_shape = dset.get_data_shape()[:-1]
    for dset_idx in range(predictions.shape[0]):
        # loc = get_location_from_idx(dset, dset_idx, predictions.shape[-2], predictions.shape[-1])
        # grid start, grid end
        gs = np.array(mng.get_location_from_dataset_idx(dset_idx), dtype=int)
        ge = gs + mng.grid_shape

        # patch start, patch end
        ps = gs - mng.patch_offset()
        pe = ps + mng.patch_shape
        # print('PS')
        # print(ps)
        # print(pe)

        # valid grid start, valid grid end
        vgs = np.array([max(0, x) for x in gs], dtype=int)
        vge = np.array([min(x, y) for x, y in zip(ge, mng.data_shape)], dtype=int)
        assert np.all(vgs == gs)
        assert np.all(vge == ge)
        # print('VGS')
        # print(gs)
        # print(ge)

        if mng.tiling_mode == TilingMode.ShiftBoundary:
            for dim in range(len(vgs)):
                if ps[dim] == 0:
                    vgs[dim] = 0
                if pe[dim] == mng.data_shape[dim]:
                    vge[dim] = mng.data_shape[dim]

        # relative start, relative end. This will be used on pred_tiled
        rs = vgs - ps
        re = rs + (vge - vgs)
        # print('RS')
        # print(rs)
        # print(re)

        # print(output.shape)
        # print(predictions.shape)
        for ch_idx in range(predictions.shape[1]):
            if len(output.shape) == 4:
                # channel dimension is the last one.
                output[vgs[0] : vge[0], vgs[1] : vge[1], vgs[2] : vge[2], ch_idx] = (
                    predictions[dset_idx][ch_idx, rs[1] : re[1], rs[2] : re[2]]
            elif len(output.shape) == 5:
                # channel dimension is the last one.
                assert vge[0] - vgs[0] == 1, "Only one frame is supported"
                    vgs[0], vgs[1] : vge[1], vgs[2] : vge[2], vgs[3] : vge[3], ch_idx
                ] = predictions[dset_idx][
                    ch_idx, rs[1] : re[1], rs[2] : re[2], rs[3] : re[3]
                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported shape {output.shape}")

    return output