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GaussianMixtureNoiseModel #

Bases: Module

Define a noise model parameterized as a mixture of gaussians.

If config.path is not provided a new object is initialized from scratch. Otherwise, a model is loaded from config.path.


Name Type Description Default
config GaussianMixtureNMConfig

A pydantic model that defines the configuration of the GMM noise model.



Name Type Description
min_signal float

Minimum signal intensity expected in the image.

max_signal float

Maximum signal intensity expected in the image.

path Union[str, Path]

Path to the directory where the trained noise model (*.npz) is saved in the train method.

weight Parameter

A [3*n_gaussian, n_coeff] sized array containing the values of the weights describing the GMM noise model, with each row corresponding to one parameter of each gaussian, namely [mean, standard deviation and weight]. Specifically, rows are organized as follows: - first n_gaussian rows correspond to the means - next n_gaussian rows correspond to the weights - last n_gaussian rows correspond to the standard deviations If weight=None, the weight array is initialized using the min_signal and max_signal parameters.

n_gaussian int

Number of gaussians in the mixture.

n_coeff int

Number of coefficients to describe the functional relationship between gaussian parameters and the signal. 2 implies a linear relationship, 3 implies a quadratic relationship and so on.

device device

GPU device.

min_sigma float

All values of standard deviation below this are clamped to this value.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
class GaussianMixtureNoiseModel(nn.Module):
    """Define a noise model parameterized as a mixture of gaussians.

    If `config.path` is not provided a new object is initialized from scratch.
    Otherwise, a model is loaded from `config.path`.

    config : GaussianMixtureNMConfig
        A `pydantic` model that defines the configuration of the GMM noise model.

    min_signal : float
        Minimum signal intensity expected in the image.
    max_signal : float
        Maximum signal intensity expected in the image.
    path: Union[str, Path]
        Path to the directory where the trained noise model (*.npz) is saved in the `train` method.
    weight : torch.nn.Parameter
        A [3*n_gaussian, n_coeff] sized array containing the values of the weights
        describing the GMM noise model, with each row corresponding to one
        parameter of each gaussian, namely [mean, standard deviation and weight].
        Specifically, rows are organized as follows:
        - first n_gaussian rows correspond to the means
        - next n_gaussian rows correspond to the weights
        - last n_gaussian rows correspond to the standard deviations
        If `weight=None`, the weight array is initialized using the `min_signal`
        and `max_signal` parameters.
    n_gaussian: int
        Number of gaussians in the mixture.
    n_coeff: int
        Number of coefficients to describe the functional relationship between gaussian
        parameters and the signal. 2 implies a linear relationship, 3 implies a quadratic
        relationship and so on.
    device: device
        GPU device.
    min_sigma: float
        All values of `standard deviation` below this are clamped to this value.

    # TODO training a NM relies on getting a clean data(N2V e.g,)
    def __init__(self, config: GaussianMixtureNMConfig):
        self._learnable = False

        if config.path is None:
            # TODO this is (probably) to train a nm. We leave it for later refactoring
            weight = config.weight
            n_gaussian = config.n_gaussian
            n_coeff = config.n_coeff
            min_signal = config.min_signal
            max_signal = config.max_signal
            # self.device = kwargs.get('device')
            # TODO min_sigma cant be None ?
            self.min_sigma = config.min_sigma
            if weight is None:
                weight = np.random.randn(n_gaussian * 3, n_coeff)
                weight[n_gaussian : 2 * n_gaussian, 1] = np.log(max_signal - min_signal)
                weight = torch.from_numpy(weight.astype(np.float32)).float().cuda()
                weight.requires_grad = True

            self.n_gaussian = weight.shape[0] // 3
            self.n_coeff = weight.shape[1]
            self.weight = weight
            self.min_signal = torch.Tensor([min_signal])
            self.max_signal = torch.Tensor([max_signal])
            self.tol = torch.Tensor([1e-10])
            params = np.load(config.path)
            # self.device = kwargs.get('device')

            self.min_signal = torch.Tensor(params["min_signal"])
            self.max_signal = torch.Tensor(params["max_signal"])

            self.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(params["trained_weight"]), requires_grad=False
            self.min_sigma = params["min_sigma"].item()
            self.n_gaussian = self.weight.shape[0] // 3
            self.n_coeff = self.weight.shape[1]
            self.tol = torch.Tensor([1e-10])  # .to(self.device)
            self.min_signal = torch.Tensor([self.min_signal])  # .to(self.device)
            self.max_signal = torch.Tensor([self.max_signal])  # .to(self.device)

        print(f"[{self.__class__.__name__}] min_sigma: {self.min_sigma}")

    def make_learnable(self):
        print(f"[{self.__class__.__name__}] Making noise model learnable")
        self._learnable = True
        self.weight.requires_grad = True

    def to_device(self, cuda_tensor):
        # TODO wtf is this ?
        # move everything to GPU
        if self.min_signal.device != cuda_tensor.device:
            self.max_signal = self.max_signal.cuda()
            self.min_signal = self.min_signal.cuda()
            self.tol = self.tol.cuda()
            # self.weight = self.weight.cuda()
            if self._learnable:
                self.weight.requires_grad = True

    def polynomialRegressor(self, weightParams, signals):
        """Combines `weightParams` and signal `signals` to regress for the gaussian parameter values.

        weightParams : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
            Corresponds to specific rows of the `self.weight`
        signals : torch.cuda.FloatTensor

        value : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
            Corresponds to either of mean, standard deviation or weight, evaluated at `signals`
        value = 0
        for i in range(weightParams.shape[0]):
            value += weightParams[i] * (
                ((signals - self.min_signal) / (self.max_signal - self.min_signal)) ** i
        return value

    def normalDens(
        self, x: torch.Tensor, m_: torch.Tensor = 0.0, std_: torch.Tensor = None
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Evaluates the normal probability density at `x` given the mean `m` and
        standard deviation `std`.

        x: torch.Tensor
            Observations (i.e., noisy image).
        m_: torch.Tensor
            Pixel-wise mean.
        std_: torch.Tensor
            Pixel-wise standard deviation.

        tmp: torch.Tensor
            Normal probability density of `x` given `m_` and `std_`
        tmp = -((x - m_) ** 2)
        tmp = tmp / (2.0 * std_ * std_)
        tmp = torch.exp(tmp)
        tmp = tmp / torch.sqrt((2.0 * np.pi) * std_ * std_)
        return tmp

    def likelihood(
        self, observations: torch.Tensor, signals: torch.Tensor
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the likelihood of observations given the signals and the
        corresponding gaussian parameters.

        observations : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
            Noisy observations.
        signals : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
            Underlying signals.

        value :p + self.tol
            Likelihood of observations given the signals and the GMM noise model
        self.to_device(signals)  # move al needed stuff to the same device as `signals``
        gaussianParameters = self.getGaussianParameters(signals)
        p = 0
        for gaussian in range(self.n_gaussian):
            p += (
                    std_=gaussianParameters[self.n_gaussian + gaussian],
                * gaussianParameters[2 * self.n_gaussian + gaussian]
        return p + self.tol

    def getGaussianParameters(self, signals: torch.Tensor) -> list[torch.Tensor]:
        """Returns the noise model for given signals.

        signals : torch.Tensor
            Underlying signals

        gmmParams: list[torch.Tensor]
            A list containing tensors representing `mu`, `sigma` and `alpha`
            parameters for the `n_gaussian` gaussians in the mixture.

        gmmParams = []
        mu = []
        sigma = []
        alpha = []
        kernels = self.weight.shape[0] // 3
        for num in range(kernels):
            # For each Gaussian in the mixture, evaluate mean, std and weight
            mu.append(self.polynomialRegressor(self.weight[num, :], signals))

            expval = torch.exp(self.weight[kernels + num, :])
            # TODO: why taking the exp? it is not in PPN2V paper...
            sigmaTemp = self.polynomialRegressor(expval, signals)
            sigmaTemp = torch.clamp(sigmaTemp, min=self.min_sigma)

            expval = torch.exp(
                self.polynomialRegressor(self.weight[2 * kernels + num, :], signals)
                + self.tol
            alpha.append(expval)  # NOTE: these are the numerators of weights

        sum_alpha = 0
        for al in range(kernels):
            sum_alpha = alpha[al] + sum_alpha

        # sum of alpha is forced to be 1.
        for ker in range(kernels):
            alpha[ker] = alpha[ker] / sum_alpha

        sum_means = 0
        # sum_means is the alpha weighted average of the means
        for ker in range(kernels):
            sum_means = alpha[ker] * mu[ker] + sum_means

        # subtracting the alpha weighted average of the means from the means
        # ensures that the GMM has the inclination to have the mean=signals.
        # TODO: I don't understand why we need to learn the mean?
        for ker in range(kernels):
            mu[ker] = mu[ker] - sum_means + signals

        for i in range(kernels):
        for j in range(kernels):
        for k in range(kernels):

        return gmmParams

    # TODO: this is to train the noise model
    def getSignalObservationPairs(self, signal, observation, lowerClip, upperClip):
        """Returns the Signal-Observation pixel intensities as a two-column array.

        signal : numpy array
            Clean Signal Data
        observation: numpy array
            Noisy observation Data
        lowerClip: float
            Lower percentile bound for clipping.
        upperClip: float
            Upper percentile bound for clipping.

        gmmParams: list of torch floats
            Contains a list of `mu`, `sigma` and `alpha` for the `signals`
        lb = np.percentile(signal, lowerClip)
        ub = np.percentile(signal, upperClip)
        stepsize = observation[0].size
        n_observations = observation.shape[0]
        n_signals = signal.shape[0]
        sig_obs_pairs = np.zeros((n_observations * stepsize, 2))

        for i in range(n_observations):
            j = i // (n_observations // n_signals)
            sig_obs_pairs[stepsize * i : stepsize * (i + 1), 0] = signal[j].ravel()
            sig_obs_pairs[stepsize * i : stepsize * (i + 1), 1] = observation[i].ravel()
        sig_obs_pairs = sig_obs_pairs[
            (sig_obs_pairs[:, 0] > lb) & (sig_obs_pairs[:, 0] < ub)
        return fastShuffle(sig_obs_pairs, 2)

    # TODO: what's the use of this method?
    def forward(self, x, y):
        """Temporary dummy forward method."""
        return x, y

    # TODO taken from pn2v. Ashesh needs to clarify this
    def train_noise_model(
        """Training to learn the noise model from signal - observation pairs.

        signal: numpy array
            Clean Signal Data
        observation: numpy array
            Noisy Observation Data
        learning_rate: float
            Learning rate. Default = 1e-1.
        batchSize: int
            Nini-batch size. Default = 250000.
        n_epochs: int
            Number of epochs. Default = 2000.
        name: string

            Model name. Default is `GMMNoiseModel`. This model after being trained is saved at the location `path`.

        lowerClip : int
            Lower percentile for clipping. Default is 0.
        upperClip : int
            Upper percentile for clipping. Default is 100.

        sig_obs_pairs = self.getSignalObservationPairs(
            signal, observation, lowerClip, upperClip
        counter = 0
        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.weight], lr=learning_rate)
        for t in range(n_epochs):

            jointLoss = 0
            if (counter + 1) * batchSize >= sig_obs_pairs.shape[0]:
                counter = 0
                sig_obs_pairs = fastShuffle(sig_obs_pairs, 1)

            batch_vectors = sig_obs_pairs[
                counter * batchSize : (counter + 1) * batchSize, :
            observations = batch_vectors[:, 1].astype(np.float32)
            signals = batch_vectors[:, 0].astype(np.float32)
            # TODO do we absolutely need to move to GPU?
            observations = (
            signals = torch.from_numpy(signals).float().cuda()
            p = self.likelihood(observations, signals)
            loss = torch.mean(-torch.log(p))
            jointLoss = jointLoss + loss

            if t % 100 == 0:
                print(t, jointLoss.item())

            if t % (int(n_epochs * 0.5)) == 0:
                trained_weight = self.weight.cpu().detach().numpy()
                min_signal = self.min_signal.cpu().detach().numpy()
                max_signal = self.max_signal.cpu().detach().numpy()
                # TODO do we need to save?
                # np.savez(self.path+name, trained_weight=trained_weight, min_signal = min_signal, max_signal = max_signal, min_sigma = self.min_sigma)

            counter += 1

        # print("The trained parameters (" + name + ") is saved at location: "+ self.path)
        # TODO return istead of save ?
        return trained_weight, min_signal, max_signal, self.min_sigma

forward(x, y) #

Temporary dummy forward method.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def forward(self, x, y):
    """Temporary dummy forward method."""
    return x, y

getGaussianParameters(signals) #

Returns the noise model for given signals.


Name Type Description Default
signals Tensor

Underlying signals



Name Type Description
gmmParams list[Tensor]

A list containing tensors representing mu, sigma and alpha parameters for the n_gaussian gaussians in the mixture.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def getGaussianParameters(self, signals: torch.Tensor) -> list[torch.Tensor]:
    """Returns the noise model for given signals.

    signals : torch.Tensor
        Underlying signals

    gmmParams: list[torch.Tensor]
        A list containing tensors representing `mu`, `sigma` and `alpha`
        parameters for the `n_gaussian` gaussians in the mixture.

    gmmParams = []
    mu = []
    sigma = []
    alpha = []
    kernels = self.weight.shape[0] // 3
    for num in range(kernels):
        # For each Gaussian in the mixture, evaluate mean, std and weight
        mu.append(self.polynomialRegressor(self.weight[num, :], signals))

        expval = torch.exp(self.weight[kernels + num, :])
        # TODO: why taking the exp? it is not in PPN2V paper...
        sigmaTemp = self.polynomialRegressor(expval, signals)
        sigmaTemp = torch.clamp(sigmaTemp, min=self.min_sigma)

        expval = torch.exp(
            self.polynomialRegressor(self.weight[2 * kernels + num, :], signals)
            + self.tol
        alpha.append(expval)  # NOTE: these are the numerators of weights

    sum_alpha = 0
    for al in range(kernels):
        sum_alpha = alpha[al] + sum_alpha

    # sum of alpha is forced to be 1.
    for ker in range(kernels):
        alpha[ker] = alpha[ker] / sum_alpha

    sum_means = 0
    # sum_means is the alpha weighted average of the means
    for ker in range(kernels):
        sum_means = alpha[ker] * mu[ker] + sum_means

    # subtracting the alpha weighted average of the means from the means
    # ensures that the GMM has the inclination to have the mean=signals.
    # TODO: I don't understand why we need to learn the mean?
    for ker in range(kernels):
        mu[ker] = mu[ker] - sum_means + signals

    for i in range(kernels):
    for j in range(kernels):
    for k in range(kernels):

    return gmmParams

getSignalObservationPairs(signal, observation, lowerClip, upperClip) #

Returns the Signal-Observation pixel intensities as a two-column array.


Name Type Description Default
signal numpy array

Clean Signal Data


Noisy observation Data


Lower percentile bound for clipping.


Upper percentile bound for clipping.



Name Type Description
gmmParams list of torch floats

Contains a list of mu, sigma and alpha for the signals

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def getSignalObservationPairs(self, signal, observation, lowerClip, upperClip):
    """Returns the Signal-Observation pixel intensities as a two-column array.

    signal : numpy array
        Clean Signal Data
    observation: numpy array
        Noisy observation Data
    lowerClip: float
        Lower percentile bound for clipping.
    upperClip: float
        Upper percentile bound for clipping.

    gmmParams: list of torch floats
        Contains a list of `mu`, `sigma` and `alpha` for the `signals`
    lb = np.percentile(signal, lowerClip)
    ub = np.percentile(signal, upperClip)
    stepsize = observation[0].size
    n_observations = observation.shape[0]
    n_signals = signal.shape[0]
    sig_obs_pairs = np.zeros((n_observations * stepsize, 2))

    for i in range(n_observations):
        j = i // (n_observations // n_signals)
        sig_obs_pairs[stepsize * i : stepsize * (i + 1), 0] = signal[j].ravel()
        sig_obs_pairs[stepsize * i : stepsize * (i + 1), 1] = observation[i].ravel()
    sig_obs_pairs = sig_obs_pairs[
        (sig_obs_pairs[:, 0] > lb) & (sig_obs_pairs[:, 0] < ub)
    return fastShuffle(sig_obs_pairs, 2)

likelihood(observations, signals) #

Evaluate the likelihood of observations given the signals and the corresponding gaussian parameters.


Name Type Description Default
observations FloatTensor

Noisy observations.

signals FloatTensor

Underlying signals.



Name Type Description
value p + tol

Likelihood of observations given the signals and the GMM noise model

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def likelihood(
    self, observations: torch.Tensor, signals: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Evaluate the likelihood of observations given the signals and the
    corresponding gaussian parameters.

    observations : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        Noisy observations.
    signals : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        Underlying signals.

    value :p + self.tol
        Likelihood of observations given the signals and the GMM noise model
    self.to_device(signals)  # move al needed stuff to the same device as `signals``
    gaussianParameters = self.getGaussianParameters(signals)
    p = 0
    for gaussian in range(self.n_gaussian):
        p += (
                std_=gaussianParameters[self.n_gaussian + gaussian],
            * gaussianParameters[2 * self.n_gaussian + gaussian]
    return p + self.tol

normalDens(x, m_=0.0, std_=None) #

Evaluates the normal probability density at x given the mean m and standard deviation std.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

Observations (i.e., noisy image).

m_ Tensor

Pixel-wise mean.

std_ Tensor

Pixel-wise standard deviation.



Name Type Description
tmp Tensor

Normal probability density of x given m_ and std_

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def normalDens(
    self, x: torch.Tensor, m_: torch.Tensor = 0.0, std_: torch.Tensor = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Evaluates the normal probability density at `x` given the mean `m` and
    standard deviation `std`.

    x: torch.Tensor
        Observations (i.e., noisy image).
    m_: torch.Tensor
        Pixel-wise mean.
    std_: torch.Tensor
        Pixel-wise standard deviation.

    tmp: torch.Tensor
        Normal probability density of `x` given `m_` and `std_`
    tmp = -((x - m_) ** 2)
    tmp = tmp / (2.0 * std_ * std_)
    tmp = torch.exp(tmp)
    tmp = tmp / torch.sqrt((2.0 * np.pi) * std_ * std_)
    return tmp

polynomialRegressor(weightParams, signals) #

Combines weightParams and signal signals to regress for the gaussian parameter values.


Name Type Description Default
weightParams FloatTensor

Corresponds to specific rows of the self.weight

signals FloatTensor




Name Type Description
value FloatTensor

Corresponds to either of mean, standard deviation or weight, evaluated at signals

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def polynomialRegressor(self, weightParams, signals):
    """Combines `weightParams` and signal `signals` to regress for the gaussian parameter values.

    weightParams : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        Corresponds to specific rows of the `self.weight`
    signals : torch.cuda.FloatTensor

    value : torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        Corresponds to either of mean, standard deviation or weight, evaluated at `signals`
    value = 0
    for i in range(weightParams.shape[0]):
        value += weightParams[i] * (
            ((signals - self.min_signal) / (self.max_signal - self.min_signal)) ** i
    return value

train_noise_model(signal, observation, learning_rate=0.1, batchSize=250000, n_epochs=2000, name='GMMNoiseModel.npz', lowerClip=0, upperClip=100) #

Training to learn the noise model from signal - observation pairs.


Name Type Description Default

Clean Signal Data


Noisy Observation Data


Learning rate. Default = 1e-1.


Nini-batch size. Default = 250000.


Number of epochs. Default = 2000.


Model name. Default is GMMNoiseModel. This model after being trained is saved at the location path.

lowerClip int

Lower percentile for clipping. Default is 0.

upperClip int

Upper percentile for clipping. Default is 100.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def train_noise_model(
    """Training to learn the noise model from signal - observation pairs.

    signal: numpy array
        Clean Signal Data
    observation: numpy array
        Noisy Observation Data
    learning_rate: float
        Learning rate. Default = 1e-1.
    batchSize: int
        Nini-batch size. Default = 250000.
    n_epochs: int
        Number of epochs. Default = 2000.
    name: string

        Model name. Default is `GMMNoiseModel`. This model after being trained is saved at the location `path`.

    lowerClip : int
        Lower percentile for clipping. Default is 0.
    upperClip : int
        Upper percentile for clipping. Default is 100.

    sig_obs_pairs = self.getSignalObservationPairs(
        signal, observation, lowerClip, upperClip
    counter = 0
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.weight], lr=learning_rate)
    for t in range(n_epochs):

        jointLoss = 0
        if (counter + 1) * batchSize >= sig_obs_pairs.shape[0]:
            counter = 0
            sig_obs_pairs = fastShuffle(sig_obs_pairs, 1)

        batch_vectors = sig_obs_pairs[
            counter * batchSize : (counter + 1) * batchSize, :
        observations = batch_vectors[:, 1].astype(np.float32)
        signals = batch_vectors[:, 0].astype(np.float32)
        # TODO do we absolutely need to move to GPU?
        observations = (
        signals = torch.from_numpy(signals).float().cuda()
        p = self.likelihood(observations, signals)
        loss = torch.mean(-torch.log(p))
        jointLoss = jointLoss + loss

        if t % 100 == 0:
            print(t, jointLoss.item())

        if t % (int(n_epochs * 0.5)) == 0:
            trained_weight = self.weight.cpu().detach().numpy()
            min_signal = self.min_signal.cpu().detach().numpy()
            max_signal = self.max_signal.cpu().detach().numpy()
            # TODO do we need to save?
            # np.savez(self.path+name, trained_weight=trained_weight, min_signal = min_signal, max_signal = max_signal, min_sigma = self.min_sigma)

        counter += 1

    # print("The trained parameters (" + name + ") is saved at location: "+ self.path)
    # TODO return istead of save ?
    return trained_weight, min_signal, max_signal, self.min_sigma

MultiChannelNoiseModel #

Bases: Module

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
class MultiChannelNoiseModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, nmodels: list[GaussianMixtureNoiseModel]):

        To handle noise models and the relative likelihood computation for multiple
        output channels (e.g., muSplit, denoiseSplit).

        This class:
        - receives as input a variable number of noise models, one for each channel.
        - computes the likelihood of observations given signals for each channel.
        - returns the concatenation of these likelihoods.

        nmodels : list[GaussianMixtureNoiseModel]
            List of noise models, one for each output channel.
        for i, nmodel in enumerate(nmodels):
            if nmodel is not None:
                    f"nmodel_{i}", nmodel
                )  # TODO: wouldn't be easier to use a list?

        self._nm_cnt = 0
        for nmodel in nmodels:
            if nmodel is not None:
                self._nm_cnt += 1

        print(f"[{self.__class__.__name__}] Nmodels count:{self._nm_cnt}")

    def likelihood(self, obs: torch.Tensor, signal: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Compute the likelihood of observations given signals for each channel.

        obs : torch.Tensor
            Noisy observations, i.e., the target(s). Specifically, the input noisy
            image for HDN, or the noisy unmixed images used for supervision
            for denoiSplit. Shape: (B, C, [Z], Y, X), where C is the number of
            unmixed channels.
        signal : torch.Tensor
            Underlying signals, i.e., the (clean) output of the model. Specifically, the
            denoised image for HDN, or the unmixed images for denoiSplit.
            Shape: (B, C, [Z], Y, X), where C is the number of unmixed channels.
        # Case 1: obs and signal have a single channel (e.g., denoising)
        if obs.shape[1] == 1:
            assert signal.shape[1] == 1
            return self.nmodel_0.likelihood(obs, signal)

        # Case 2: obs and signal have multiple channels (e.g., denoiSplit)
        assert obs.shape[1] == self._nm_cnt, (
            "The number of channels in `obs` must match the number of noise models."
            f" Got instead: obs={obs.shape[1]},  nm={self._nm_cnt}"
        ll_list = []
        for ch_idx in range(obs.shape[1]):
            nmodel = getattr(self, f"nmodel_{ch_idx}")
                    obs[:, ch_idx : ch_idx + 1], signal[:, ch_idx : ch_idx + 1]
                )  # slicing to keep the channel dimension
        return, dim=1)

__init__(nmodels) #


To handle noise models and the relative likelihood computation for multiple output channels (e.g., muSplit, denoiseSplit).

This class: - receives as input a variable number of noise models, one for each channel. - computes the likelihood of observations given signals for each channel. - returns the concatenation of these likelihoods.


Name Type Description Default
nmodels list[GaussianMixtureNoiseModel]

List of noise models, one for each output channel.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def __init__(self, nmodels: list[GaussianMixtureNoiseModel]):

    To handle noise models and the relative likelihood computation for multiple
    output channels (e.g., muSplit, denoiseSplit).

    This class:
    - receives as input a variable number of noise models, one for each channel.
    - computes the likelihood of observations given signals for each channel.
    - returns the concatenation of these likelihoods.

    nmodels : list[GaussianMixtureNoiseModel]
        List of noise models, one for each output channel.
    for i, nmodel in enumerate(nmodels):
        if nmodel is not None:
                f"nmodel_{i}", nmodel
            )  # TODO: wouldn't be easier to use a list?

    self._nm_cnt = 0
    for nmodel in nmodels:
        if nmodel is not None:
            self._nm_cnt += 1

    print(f"[{self.__class__.__name__}] Nmodels count:{self._nm_cnt}")

likelihood(obs, signal) #

Compute the likelihood of observations given signals for each channel.


Name Type Description Default
obs Tensor

Noisy observations, i.e., the target(s). Specifically, the input noisy image for HDN, or the noisy unmixed images used for supervision for denoiSplit. Shape: (B, C, [Z], Y, X), where C is the number of unmixed channels.

signal Tensor

Underlying signals, i.e., the (clean) output of the model. Specifically, the denoised image for HDN, or the unmixed images for denoiSplit. Shape: (B, C, [Z], Y, X), where C is the number of unmixed channels.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def likelihood(self, obs: torch.Tensor, signal: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Compute the likelihood of observations given signals for each channel.

    obs : torch.Tensor
        Noisy observations, i.e., the target(s). Specifically, the input noisy
        image for HDN, or the noisy unmixed images used for supervision
        for denoiSplit. Shape: (B, C, [Z], Y, X), where C is the number of
        unmixed channels.
    signal : torch.Tensor
        Underlying signals, i.e., the (clean) output of the model. Specifically, the
        denoised image for HDN, or the unmixed images for denoiSplit.
        Shape: (B, C, [Z], Y, X), where C is the number of unmixed channels.
    # Case 1: obs and signal have a single channel (e.g., denoising)
    if obs.shape[1] == 1:
        assert signal.shape[1] == 1
        return self.nmodel_0.likelihood(obs, signal)

    # Case 2: obs and signal have multiple channels (e.g., denoiSplit)
    assert obs.shape[1] == self._nm_cnt, (
        "The number of channels in `obs` must match the number of noise models."
        f" Got instead: obs={obs.shape[1]},  nm={self._nm_cnt}"
    ll_list = []
    for ch_idx in range(obs.shape[1]):
        nmodel = getattr(self, f"nmodel_{ch_idx}")
                obs[:, ch_idx : ch_idx + 1], signal[:, ch_idx : ch_idx + 1]
            )  # slicing to keep the channel dimension
    return, dim=1)

fastShuffle(series, num) #



Name Type Description Default
series _type_


num _type_




Type Description


Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def fastShuffle(series, num):

    series : _type_
    num : _type_

    length = series.shape[0]
    for _ in range(num):
        series = series[np.random.permutation(length), :]
    return series

noise_model_factory(model_config) #

Noise model factory.


Name Type Description Default
model_config Optional[MultiChannelNMConfig]

Noise model configuration, a MultiChannelNMConfig config that defines noise models for the different output channels.



Type Description

A noise model instance.


Type Description

If the chosen noise model model_type is not implemented. Currently only GaussianMixtureNoiseModel is implemented.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def noise_model_factory(
    model_config: Optional[MultiChannelNMConfig],
) -> Optional[MultiChannelNoiseModel]:
    """Noise model factory.

    model_config : Optional[MultiChannelNMConfig]
        Noise model configuration, a `MultiChannelNMConfig` config that defines
        noise models for the different output channels.

        A noise model instance.

        If the chosen noise model `model_type` is not implemented.
        Currently only `GaussianMixtureNoiseModel` is implemented.
    if model_config:
        noise_models = []
        for nm_config in model_config.noise_models:
            if nm_config.path:
                if nm_config.model_type == "GaussianMixtureNoiseModel":
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        f"Model {nm_config.model_type} is not implemented"

            else:  # TODO this means signal/obs are provided. Controlled in pydantic model
                # TODO train a new model. Config should always be provided?
                if nm_config.model_type == "GaussianMixtureNoiseModel":
                    trained_nm = train_gm_noise_model(nm_config)
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        f"Model {nm_config.model_type} is not implemented"
        return MultiChannelNoiseModel(noise_models)
    return None

train_gm_noise_model(model_config) #

Train a Gaussian mixture noise model.


Name Type Description Default
model_config GaussianMixtureNoiseModel




Type Description
Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def train_gm_noise_model(
    model_config: GaussianMixtureNMConfig,
) -> GaussianMixtureNoiseModel:
    """Train a Gaussian mixture noise model.

    model_config : GaussianMixtureNoiseModel

    # TODO where to put train params?
    # TODO any training params ? Different channels ?
    noise_model = GaussianMixtureNoiseModel(model_config)
    # TODO revisit config unpacking
    noise_model.train_noise_model(model_config.signal, model_config.observation)
    return noise_model