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Script containing the common basic blocks (nn.Module) reused by the LadderVAE architecture.

NormalStochasticBlock #

Bases: Module

Stochastic block used in the Top-Down inference pass.

Algorithm: - map input parameters to q(z) and (optionally) p(z) via convolution - sample a latent tensor z ~ q(z) - feed z to convolution and return.

NOTE 1: If parameters for q are not given, sampling is done from p(z).

NOTE 2: The restricted KL divergence is obtained by first computing the element-wise KL divergence (i.e., the KL computed for each element of the latent tensors). Then, the restricted version is computed by summing over the channels and the spatial dimensions associated only to the portion of the latent tensor that is used for prediction.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
class NormalStochasticBlock(nn.Module):
    Stochastic block used in the Top-Down inference pass.

        - map input parameters to q(z) and (optionally) p(z) via convolution
        - sample a latent tensor z ~ q(z)
        - feed z to convolution and return.

    NOTE 1:
        If parameters for q are not given, sampling is done from p(z).

    NOTE 2:
        The restricted KL divergence is obtained by first computing the element-wise KL divergence
        (i.e., the KL computed for each element of the latent tensors). Then, the restricted version
        is computed by summing over the channels and the spatial dimensions associated only to the
        portion of the latent tensor that is used for prediction.

    def __init__(
        c_in: int,
        c_vars: int,
        c_out: int,
        conv_dims: int = 2,
        kernel: int = 3,
        transform_p_params: bool = True,
        vanilla_latent_hw: int = None,
        restricted_kl: bool = False,
        use_naive_exponential: bool = False,
        c_in: int
            The number of channels of the input tensor.
        c_vars: int
            The number of channels of the latent space tensor.
        c_out:  int
            The output of the stochastic layer.
            Note that this is different from the sampled latent z.
        conv_dims: int, optional
            The number of dimensions of the convolutional layers (2D or 3D).
            Default is 2.
        kernel: int, optional
            The size of the kernel used in convolutional layers.
            Default is 3.
        transform_p_params: bool, optional
            Whether a transformation should be applied to the `p_params` tensor.
            The transformation consists in a 2D convolution ()`conv_in_p()`) that
            maps the input to a larger number of channels.
            Default is `True`.
        vanilla_latent_hw: int, optional
            The shape of the latent tensor used for prediction (i.e., it influences the computation of restricted KL).
            Default is `None`.
        restricted_kl: bool, optional
            Whether to compute the restricted version of KL Divergence.
            See NOTE 2 for more information about its computation.
            Default is `False`.
        use_naive_exponential: bool, optional
            If `False`, exponentials are computed according to the alternative definition
            provided by `StableExponential` class. This should improve numerical stability
            in the training process. Default is `False`.
        assert kernel % 2 == 1
        pad = kernel // 2
        self.transform_p_params = transform_p_params
        self.c_in = c_in
        self.c_out = c_out
        self.c_vars = c_vars
        self.conv_dims = conv_dims
        self._use_naive_exponential = use_naive_exponential
        self._vanilla_latent_hw = vanilla_latent_hw
        self._restricted_kl = restricted_kl

        conv_layer: ConvType = getattr(nn, f"Conv{conv_dims}d")

        if transform_p_params:
            self.conv_in_p = conv_layer(c_in, 2 * c_vars, kernel, padding=pad)
        self.conv_in_q = conv_layer(c_in, 2 * c_vars, kernel, padding=pad)
        self.conv_out = conv_layer(c_vars, c_out, kernel, padding=pad)

    def get_z(
        sampling_distrib: torch.distributions.normal.Normal,
        forced_latent: Union[torch.Tensor, None],
        mode_pred: bool,
        use_uncond_mode: bool,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Sample a latent tensor from the given latent distribution.

        Latent tensor can be obtained is several ways:
            - Sampled from the (Gaussian) latent distribution.
            - Taken as a pre-defined forced latent.
            - Taken as the mode (mean) of the latent distribution.
            - In prediction mode (`mode_pred==True`), can be either sample or taken as the distribution mode.

        sampling_distrib: torch.distributions.normal.Normal
            The Gaussian distribution from which latent tensor is sampled.
        forced_latent: torch.Tensor
            A pre-defined latent tensor. If it is not `None`, than it is used as the actual latent tensor and,
            hence, sampling does not happen.
        mode_pred: bool
            Whether the model is prediction mode.
        use_uncond_mode: bool
            Whether to use the uncoditional distribution p(z) to sample latents in prediction mode.
        if forced_latent is None:
            if mode_pred:
                if use_uncond_mode:
                    z = sampling_distrib.mean
                    z = sampling_distrib.rsample()
                z = sampling_distrib.rsample()
            z = forced_latent
        return z

    def sample_from_q(
        self, q_params: torch.Tensor, var_clip_max: float
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        Given an input parameter tensor defining q(z),
        it processes it by calling `process_q_params()` method and
        sample a latent tensor from the resulting distribution.

        q_params: torch.Tensor
            The input tensor to be processed.
        var_clip_max: float
            The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
            Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.
        _, _, q = self.process_q_params(q_params, var_clip_max)
        return q.rsample()

    def compute_kl_metrics(
        p: torch.distributions.normal.Normal,
        p_params: torch.Tensor,
        q: torch.distributions.normal.Normal,
        q_params: torch.Tensor,
        mode_pred: bool,
        analytical_kl: bool,
        z: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        Compute KL (analytical or MC estimate) and then process it, extracting composed versions of the metric.
        Specifically, the different versions of the KL loss terms are:
            - `kl_elementwise`: KL term for each single element of the latent tensor [Shape: (batch, ch, h, w)].
            - `kl_samplewise`: KL term associated to each sample in the batch [Shape: (batch, )].
            - `kl_samplewise_restricted`: KL term only associated to the portion of the latent tensor that is
            used for prediction and summed over channel and spatial dimensions [Shape: (batch, )].
            - `kl_channelwise`: KL term associated to each sample and each channel [Shape: (batch, ch, )].
            - `kl_spatial`: KL term summed over the channels, i.e., retaining the spatial dimensions [Shape: (batch, h, w)]

        p: torch.distributions.normal.Normal
            The prior generative distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or p(z_L)).
        p_params: torch.Tensor
            The parameters of the prior generative distribution.
        q: torch.distributions.normal.Normal
            The inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or q(z_L|x)).
        q_params: torch.Tensor
            The parameters of the inference distribution.
        mode_pred: bool
            Whether the model is in prediction mode.
        analytical_kl: bool
            Whether to compute the KL divergence analytically or using Monte Carlo estimation.
        z: torch.Tensor
            The sampled latent tensor.
        kl_samplewise_restricted = None
        if mode_pred is False:  # if not predicting
            if analytical_kl:
                kl_elementwise = kl_divergence(q, p)
                kl_elementwise = kl_normal_mc(z, p_params, q_params)

            all_dims = tuple(range(len(kl_elementwise.shape)))
            # compute KL only on the portion of the latent space that is used for prediction.
            if self._restricted_kl:
                pad = (kl_elementwise.shape[-1] - self._vanilla_latent_hw) // 2
                assert pad > 0, "Disable restricted kl since there is no restriction."
                tmp = kl_elementwise[..., pad:-pad, pad:-pad]
                kl_samplewise_restricted = tmp.sum(all_dims[1:])

            kl_samplewise = kl_elementwise.sum(all_dims[1:])
            kl_channelwise = kl_elementwise.sum(all_dims[2:])
            # Compute spatial KL analytically (but conditioned on samples from
            # previous layers)
            kl_spatial = kl_elementwise.sum(1)
        else:  # if predicting, no need to compute KL
            kl_elementwise = kl_samplewise = kl_spatial = kl_channelwise = None

        kl_dict = {
            "kl_elementwise": kl_elementwise,  # (batch, ch, h, w)
            "kl_samplewise": kl_samplewise,  # (batch, )
            "kl_samplewise_restricted": kl_samplewise_restricted,  # (batch, )
            "kl_spatial": kl_spatial,  # (batch, h, w)
            "kl_channelwise": kl_channelwise,  # (batch, ch)
        }  # TODO revisit, check dims
        return kl_dict

    def process_p_params(
        self, p_params: torch.Tensor, var_clip_max: float
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.distributions.normal.Normal]:
        """Process the input parameters to get the prior distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or p(z_L)).

        Processing consists in:
            - (optionally) 2D convolution on the input tensor to increase number of channels.
            - split the resulting tensor into two chunks, the mean and the log-variance.
            - (optionally) clip the log-variance to an upper threshold.
            - define the normal distribution p(z) given the parameter tensors above.

        p_params: torch.Tensor
            The input tensor to be processed.
        var_clip_max: float
            The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
            Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.
        if self.transform_p_params:
            p_params = self.conv_in_p(p_params)
            assert p_params.size(1) == 2 * self.c_vars

        # Define p(z)
        p_mu, p_lv = p_params.chunk(2, dim=1)
        if var_clip_max is not None:
            p_lv = torch.clip(p_lv, max=var_clip_max)

        p_mu = StableMean(p_mu)
        p_lv = StableLogVar(p_lv, enable_stable=not self._use_naive_exponential)
        p = Normal(p_mu.get(), p_lv.get_std())
        return p_mu, p_lv, p

    def process_q_params(
        self, q_params: torch.Tensor, var_clip_max: float, allow_oddsizes: bool = False
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.distributions.normal.Normal]:
        Process the input parameters to get the inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or q(z|x)).

        Processing consists in:
            - convolution on the input tensor to double the number of channels.
            - split the resulting tensor into 2 chunks, respectively mean and log-var.
            - (optionally) clip the log-variance to an upper threshold.
            - (optionally) crop the resulting tensors to ensure that the last spatial dimension is even.
            - define the normal distribution q(z) given the parameter tensors above.

        p_params: torch.Tensor
            The input tensor to be processed.
        var_clip_max: float
            The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
            Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.
        q_params = self.conv_in_q(q_params)

        q_mu, q_lv = q_params.chunk(2, dim=1)
        if var_clip_max is not None:
            q_lv = torch.clip(q_lv, max=var_clip_max)

        if q_mu.shape[-1] % 2 == 1 and allow_oddsizes is False:
            q_mu = F.center_crop(q_mu, q_mu.shape[-1] - 1)
            q_lv = F.center_crop(q_lv, q_lv.shape[-1] - 1)
            # TODO revisit ?!
        q_mu = StableMean(q_mu)
        q_lv = StableLogVar(q_lv, enable_stable=not self._use_naive_exponential)
        q = Normal(q_mu.get(), q_lv.get_std())
        return q_mu, q_lv, q

    def forward(
        p_params: torch.Tensor,
        q_params: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None,
        forced_latent: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None,
        force_constant_output: bool = False,
        analytical_kl: bool = False,
        mode_pred: bool = False,
        use_uncond_mode: bool = False,
        var_clip_max: Union[float, None] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
        p_params: torch.Tensor
            The output tensor of the top-down layer above (i.e., mu_{p,i+1}, sigma_{p,i+1}).
        q_params: torch.Tensor, optional
            The tensor resulting from merging the bu_value tensor at the same hierarchical level
            from the bottom-up pass and the `p_params` tensor. Default is `None`.
        forced_latent: torch.Tensor, optional
            A pre-defined latent tensor. If it is not `None`, than it is used as the actual latent
            tensor and, hence, sampling does not happen. Default is `None`.
        force_constant_output: bool, optional
            Whether to copy the first sample (and rel. distrib parameters) over the whole batch.
            This is used when doing experiment from the prior - q is not used.
            Default is `False`.
        analytical_kl: bool, optional
            Whether to compute the KL divergence analytically or using Monte Carlo estimation.
            Default is `False`.
        mode_pred: bool, optional
            Whether the model is in prediction mode. Default is `False`.
        use_uncond_mode: bool, optional
            Whether to use the uncoditional distribution p(z) to sample latents in prediction mode.
            Default is `False`.
        var_clip_max: float, optional
            The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
            Values exceeding this threshold are clipped. Default is `None`.
        debug_qvar_max = 0

        # Check sampling options consistency
        assert forced_latent is None

        # Get generative distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1})
        p_mu, p_lv, p = self.process_p_params(p_params, var_clip_max)
        p_params = (p_mu, p_lv)

        if q_params is not None:
            # Get inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1})
            q_mu, q_lv, q = self.process_q_params(q_params, var_clip_max)
            q_params = (q_mu, q_lv)
            debug_qvar_max = torch.max(q_lv.get())
            sampling_distrib = q
            q_size = q_mu.get().shape[-1]
            if p_mu.get().shape[-1] != q_size and mode_pred is False:
            sampling_distrib = p

        # Sample latent variable
        z = self.get_z(sampling_distrib, forced_latent, mode_pred, use_uncond_mode)

        # TODO: not necessary, remove
        # Copy one sample (and distrib parameters) over the whole batch.
        # This is used when doing experiment from the prior - q is not used.
        if force_constant_output:
            z = z[0:1].expand_as(z).clone()
            p_params = (

        # Pass the sampled latent through the output convolution of stochastic block
        out = self.conv_out(z)

        if q_params is not None:
            # Compute log q(z)
            logprob_q = q.log_prob(z).sum(tuple(range(1, z.dim())))
            # Compute KL divergence metrics
            kl_dict = self.compute_kl_metrics(
                p, p_params, q, q_params, mode_pred, analytical_kl, z
            kl_dict = {}
            logprob_q = None

        # Store meaningful quantities for later computation
        data = kl_dict
        data["z"] = z  # sampled variable at this layer (B, C, [Z], Y, X)
        data["p_params"] = p_params  # (B, C, [Z], Y, X) where B is 1 or batch size
        data["q_params"] = q_params  # (B, C, [Z], Y, X)
        data["logprob_q"] = logprob_q  # (B, )
        data["qvar_max"] = debug_qvar_max
        return out, data

__init__(c_in, c_vars, c_out, conv_dims=2, kernel=3, transform_p_params=True, vanilla_latent_hw=None, restricted_kl=False, use_naive_exponential=False) #


Name Type Description Default
c_in int

The number of channels of the input tensor.

c_vars int

The number of channels of the latent space tensor.

c_out int

The output of the stochastic layer. Note that this is different from the sampled latent z.

conv_dims int

The number of dimensions of the convolutional layers (2D or 3D). Default is 2.

kernel int

The size of the kernel used in convolutional layers. Default is 3.

transform_p_params bool

Whether a transformation should be applied to the p_params tensor. The transformation consists in a 2D convolution ()conv_in_p()) that maps the input to a larger number of channels. Default is True.

vanilla_latent_hw int

The shape of the latent tensor used for prediction (i.e., it influences the computation of restricted KL). Default is None.

restricted_kl bool

Whether to compute the restricted version of KL Divergence. See NOTE 2 for more information about its computation. Default is False.

use_naive_exponential bool

If False, exponentials are computed according to the alternative definition provided by StableExponential class. This should improve numerical stability in the training process. Default is False.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def __init__(
    c_in: int,
    c_vars: int,
    c_out: int,
    conv_dims: int = 2,
    kernel: int = 3,
    transform_p_params: bool = True,
    vanilla_latent_hw: int = None,
    restricted_kl: bool = False,
    use_naive_exponential: bool = False,
    c_in: int
        The number of channels of the input tensor.
    c_vars: int
        The number of channels of the latent space tensor.
    c_out:  int
        The output of the stochastic layer.
        Note that this is different from the sampled latent z.
    conv_dims: int, optional
        The number of dimensions of the convolutional layers (2D or 3D).
        Default is 2.
    kernel: int, optional
        The size of the kernel used in convolutional layers.
        Default is 3.
    transform_p_params: bool, optional
        Whether a transformation should be applied to the `p_params` tensor.
        The transformation consists in a 2D convolution ()`conv_in_p()`) that
        maps the input to a larger number of channels.
        Default is `True`.
    vanilla_latent_hw: int, optional
        The shape of the latent tensor used for prediction (i.e., it influences the computation of restricted KL).
        Default is `None`.
    restricted_kl: bool, optional
        Whether to compute the restricted version of KL Divergence.
        See NOTE 2 for more information about its computation.
        Default is `False`.
    use_naive_exponential: bool, optional
        If `False`, exponentials are computed according to the alternative definition
        provided by `StableExponential` class. This should improve numerical stability
        in the training process. Default is `False`.
    assert kernel % 2 == 1
    pad = kernel // 2
    self.transform_p_params = transform_p_params
    self.c_in = c_in
    self.c_out = c_out
    self.c_vars = c_vars
    self.conv_dims = conv_dims
    self._use_naive_exponential = use_naive_exponential
    self._vanilla_latent_hw = vanilla_latent_hw
    self._restricted_kl = restricted_kl

    conv_layer: ConvType = getattr(nn, f"Conv{conv_dims}d")

    if transform_p_params:
        self.conv_in_p = conv_layer(c_in, 2 * c_vars, kernel, padding=pad)
    self.conv_in_q = conv_layer(c_in, 2 * c_vars, kernel, padding=pad)
    self.conv_out = conv_layer(c_vars, c_out, kernel, padding=pad)

compute_kl_metrics(p, p_params, q, q_params, mode_pred, analytical_kl, z) #

Compute KL (analytical or MC estimate) and then process it, extracting composed versions of the metric. Specifically, the different versions of the KL loss terms are: - kl_elementwise: KL term for each single element of the latent tensor [Shape: (batch, ch, h, w)]. - kl_samplewise: KL term associated to each sample in the batch [Shape: (batch, )]. - kl_samplewise_restricted: KL term only associated to the portion of the latent tensor that is used for prediction and summed over channel and spatial dimensions [Shape: (batch, )]. - kl_channelwise: KL term associated to each sample and each channel [Shape: (batch, ch, )]. - kl_spatial: KL term summed over the channels, i.e., retaining the spatial dimensions [Shape: (batch, h, w)]


Name Type Description Default
p Normal

The prior generative distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or p(z_L)).

p_params Tensor

The parameters of the prior generative distribution.

q Normal

The inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or q(z_L|x)).

q_params Tensor

The parameters of the inference distribution.

mode_pred bool

Whether the model is in prediction mode.

analytical_kl bool

Whether to compute the KL divergence analytically or using Monte Carlo estimation.

z Tensor

The sampled latent tensor.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def compute_kl_metrics(
    p: torch.distributions.normal.Normal,
    p_params: torch.Tensor,
    q: torch.distributions.normal.Normal,
    q_params: torch.Tensor,
    mode_pred: bool,
    analytical_kl: bool,
    z: torch.Tensor,
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
    Compute KL (analytical or MC estimate) and then process it, extracting composed versions of the metric.
    Specifically, the different versions of the KL loss terms are:
        - `kl_elementwise`: KL term for each single element of the latent tensor [Shape: (batch, ch, h, w)].
        - `kl_samplewise`: KL term associated to each sample in the batch [Shape: (batch, )].
        - `kl_samplewise_restricted`: KL term only associated to the portion of the latent tensor that is
        used for prediction and summed over channel and spatial dimensions [Shape: (batch, )].
        - `kl_channelwise`: KL term associated to each sample and each channel [Shape: (batch, ch, )].
        - `kl_spatial`: KL term summed over the channels, i.e., retaining the spatial dimensions [Shape: (batch, h, w)]

    p: torch.distributions.normal.Normal
        The prior generative distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or p(z_L)).
    p_params: torch.Tensor
        The parameters of the prior generative distribution.
    q: torch.distributions.normal.Normal
        The inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or q(z_L|x)).
    q_params: torch.Tensor
        The parameters of the inference distribution.
    mode_pred: bool
        Whether the model is in prediction mode.
    analytical_kl: bool
        Whether to compute the KL divergence analytically or using Monte Carlo estimation.
    z: torch.Tensor
        The sampled latent tensor.
    kl_samplewise_restricted = None
    if mode_pred is False:  # if not predicting
        if analytical_kl:
            kl_elementwise = kl_divergence(q, p)
            kl_elementwise = kl_normal_mc(z, p_params, q_params)

        all_dims = tuple(range(len(kl_elementwise.shape)))
        # compute KL only on the portion of the latent space that is used for prediction.
        if self._restricted_kl:
            pad = (kl_elementwise.shape[-1] - self._vanilla_latent_hw) // 2
            assert pad > 0, "Disable restricted kl since there is no restriction."
            tmp = kl_elementwise[..., pad:-pad, pad:-pad]
            kl_samplewise_restricted = tmp.sum(all_dims[1:])

        kl_samplewise = kl_elementwise.sum(all_dims[1:])
        kl_channelwise = kl_elementwise.sum(all_dims[2:])
        # Compute spatial KL analytically (but conditioned on samples from
        # previous layers)
        kl_spatial = kl_elementwise.sum(1)
    else:  # if predicting, no need to compute KL
        kl_elementwise = kl_samplewise = kl_spatial = kl_channelwise = None

    kl_dict = {
        "kl_elementwise": kl_elementwise,  # (batch, ch, h, w)
        "kl_samplewise": kl_samplewise,  # (batch, )
        "kl_samplewise_restricted": kl_samplewise_restricted,  # (batch, )
        "kl_spatial": kl_spatial,  # (batch, h, w)
        "kl_channelwise": kl_channelwise,  # (batch, ch)
    }  # TODO revisit, check dims
    return kl_dict

forward(p_params, q_params=None, forced_latent=None, force_constant_output=False, analytical_kl=False, mode_pred=False, use_uncond_mode=False, var_clip_max=None) #


Name Type Description Default
p_params Tensor

The output tensor of the top-down layer above (i.e., mu_{p,i+1}, sigma_{p,i+1}).

q_params Union[Tensor, None]

The tensor resulting from merging the bu_value tensor at the same hierarchical level from the bottom-up pass and the p_params tensor. Default is None.

forced_latent Union[Tensor, None]

A pre-defined latent tensor. If it is not None, than it is used as the actual latent tensor and, hence, sampling does not happen. Default is None.

force_constant_output bool

Whether to copy the first sample (and rel. distrib parameters) over the whole batch. This is used when doing experiment from the prior - q is not used. Default is False.

analytical_kl bool

Whether to compute the KL divergence analytically or using Monte Carlo estimation. Default is False.

mode_pred bool

Whether the model is in prediction mode. Default is False.

use_uncond_mode bool

Whether to use the uncoditional distribution p(z) to sample latents in prediction mode. Default is False.

var_clip_max Union[float, None]

The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution. Values exceeding this threshold are clipped. Default is None.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def forward(
    p_params: torch.Tensor,
    q_params: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None,
    forced_latent: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None,
    force_constant_output: bool = False,
    analytical_kl: bool = False,
    mode_pred: bool = False,
    use_uncond_mode: bool = False,
    var_clip_max: Union[float, None] = None,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
    p_params: torch.Tensor
        The output tensor of the top-down layer above (i.e., mu_{p,i+1}, sigma_{p,i+1}).
    q_params: torch.Tensor, optional
        The tensor resulting from merging the bu_value tensor at the same hierarchical level
        from the bottom-up pass and the `p_params` tensor. Default is `None`.
    forced_latent: torch.Tensor, optional
        A pre-defined latent tensor. If it is not `None`, than it is used as the actual latent
        tensor and, hence, sampling does not happen. Default is `None`.
    force_constant_output: bool, optional
        Whether to copy the first sample (and rel. distrib parameters) over the whole batch.
        This is used when doing experiment from the prior - q is not used.
        Default is `False`.
    analytical_kl: bool, optional
        Whether to compute the KL divergence analytically or using Monte Carlo estimation.
        Default is `False`.
    mode_pred: bool, optional
        Whether the model is in prediction mode. Default is `False`.
    use_uncond_mode: bool, optional
        Whether to use the uncoditional distribution p(z) to sample latents in prediction mode.
        Default is `False`.
    var_clip_max: float, optional
        The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
        Values exceeding this threshold are clipped. Default is `None`.
    debug_qvar_max = 0

    # Check sampling options consistency
    assert forced_latent is None

    # Get generative distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1})
    p_mu, p_lv, p = self.process_p_params(p_params, var_clip_max)
    p_params = (p_mu, p_lv)

    if q_params is not None:
        # Get inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1})
        q_mu, q_lv, q = self.process_q_params(q_params, var_clip_max)
        q_params = (q_mu, q_lv)
        debug_qvar_max = torch.max(q_lv.get())
        sampling_distrib = q
        q_size = q_mu.get().shape[-1]
        if p_mu.get().shape[-1] != q_size and mode_pred is False:
        sampling_distrib = p

    # Sample latent variable
    z = self.get_z(sampling_distrib, forced_latent, mode_pred, use_uncond_mode)

    # TODO: not necessary, remove
    # Copy one sample (and distrib parameters) over the whole batch.
    # This is used when doing experiment from the prior - q is not used.
    if force_constant_output:
        z = z[0:1].expand_as(z).clone()
        p_params = (

    # Pass the sampled latent through the output convolution of stochastic block
    out = self.conv_out(z)

    if q_params is not None:
        # Compute log q(z)
        logprob_q = q.log_prob(z).sum(tuple(range(1, z.dim())))
        # Compute KL divergence metrics
        kl_dict = self.compute_kl_metrics(
            p, p_params, q, q_params, mode_pred, analytical_kl, z
        kl_dict = {}
        logprob_q = None

    # Store meaningful quantities for later computation
    data = kl_dict
    data["z"] = z  # sampled variable at this layer (B, C, [Z], Y, X)
    data["p_params"] = p_params  # (B, C, [Z], Y, X) where B is 1 or batch size
    data["q_params"] = q_params  # (B, C, [Z], Y, X)
    data["logprob_q"] = logprob_q  # (B, )
    data["qvar_max"] = debug_qvar_max
    return out, data

get_z(sampling_distrib, forced_latent, mode_pred, use_uncond_mode) #

Sample a latent tensor from the given latent distribution.

Latent tensor can be obtained is several ways: - Sampled from the (Gaussian) latent distribution. - Taken as a pre-defined forced latent. - Taken as the mode (mean) of the latent distribution. - In prediction mode (mode_pred==True), can be either sample or taken as the distribution mode.


Name Type Description Default
sampling_distrib Normal

The Gaussian distribution from which latent tensor is sampled.

forced_latent Union[Tensor, None]

A pre-defined latent tensor. If it is not None, than it is used as the actual latent tensor and, hence, sampling does not happen.

mode_pred bool

Whether the model is prediction mode.

use_uncond_mode bool

Whether to use the uncoditional distribution p(z) to sample latents in prediction mode.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def get_z(
    sampling_distrib: torch.distributions.normal.Normal,
    forced_latent: Union[torch.Tensor, None],
    mode_pred: bool,
    use_uncond_mode: bool,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Sample a latent tensor from the given latent distribution.

    Latent tensor can be obtained is several ways:
        - Sampled from the (Gaussian) latent distribution.
        - Taken as a pre-defined forced latent.
        - Taken as the mode (mean) of the latent distribution.
        - In prediction mode (`mode_pred==True`), can be either sample or taken as the distribution mode.

    sampling_distrib: torch.distributions.normal.Normal
        The Gaussian distribution from which latent tensor is sampled.
    forced_latent: torch.Tensor
        A pre-defined latent tensor. If it is not `None`, than it is used as the actual latent tensor and,
        hence, sampling does not happen.
    mode_pred: bool
        Whether the model is prediction mode.
    use_uncond_mode: bool
        Whether to use the uncoditional distribution p(z) to sample latents in prediction mode.
    if forced_latent is None:
        if mode_pred:
            if use_uncond_mode:
                z = sampling_distrib.mean
                z = sampling_distrib.rsample()
            z = sampling_distrib.rsample()
        z = forced_latent
    return z

process_p_params(p_params, var_clip_max) #

Process the input parameters to get the prior distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or p(z_L)).

Processing consists in: - (optionally) 2D convolution on the input tensor to increase number of channels. - split the resulting tensor into two chunks, the mean and the log-variance. - (optionally) clip the log-variance to an upper threshold. - define the normal distribution p(z) given the parameter tensors above.


Name Type Description Default
p_params Tensor

The input tensor to be processed.

var_clip_max float

The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution. Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def process_p_params(
    self, p_params: torch.Tensor, var_clip_max: float
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.distributions.normal.Normal]:
    """Process the input parameters to get the prior distribution p(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or p(z_L)).

    Processing consists in:
        - (optionally) 2D convolution on the input tensor to increase number of channels.
        - split the resulting tensor into two chunks, the mean and the log-variance.
        - (optionally) clip the log-variance to an upper threshold.
        - define the normal distribution p(z) given the parameter tensors above.

    p_params: torch.Tensor
        The input tensor to be processed.
    var_clip_max: float
        The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
        Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.
    if self.transform_p_params:
        p_params = self.conv_in_p(p_params)
        assert p_params.size(1) == 2 * self.c_vars

    # Define p(z)
    p_mu, p_lv = p_params.chunk(2, dim=1)
    if var_clip_max is not None:
        p_lv = torch.clip(p_lv, max=var_clip_max)

    p_mu = StableMean(p_mu)
    p_lv = StableLogVar(p_lv, enable_stable=not self._use_naive_exponential)
    p = Normal(p_mu.get(), p_lv.get_std())
    return p_mu, p_lv, p

process_q_params(q_params, var_clip_max, allow_oddsizes=False) #

Process the input parameters to get the inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or q(z|x)).

Processing consists in: - convolution on the input tensor to double the number of channels. - split the resulting tensor into 2 chunks, respectively mean and log-var. - (optionally) clip the log-variance to an upper threshold. - (optionally) crop the resulting tensors to ensure that the last spatial dimension is even. - define the normal distribution q(z) given the parameter tensors above.


Name Type Description Default

The input tensor to be processed.

var_clip_max float

The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution. Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def process_q_params(
    self, q_params: torch.Tensor, var_clip_max: float, allow_oddsizes: bool = False
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.distributions.normal.Normal]:
    Process the input parameters to get the inference distribution q(z_i|z_{i+1}) (or q(z|x)).

    Processing consists in:
        - convolution on the input tensor to double the number of channels.
        - split the resulting tensor into 2 chunks, respectively mean and log-var.
        - (optionally) clip the log-variance to an upper threshold.
        - (optionally) crop the resulting tensors to ensure that the last spatial dimension is even.
        - define the normal distribution q(z) given the parameter tensors above.

    p_params: torch.Tensor
        The input tensor to be processed.
    var_clip_max: float
        The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
        Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.
    q_params = self.conv_in_q(q_params)

    q_mu, q_lv = q_params.chunk(2, dim=1)
    if var_clip_max is not None:
        q_lv = torch.clip(q_lv, max=var_clip_max)

    if q_mu.shape[-1] % 2 == 1 and allow_oddsizes is False:
        q_mu = F.center_crop(q_mu, q_mu.shape[-1] - 1)
        q_lv = F.center_crop(q_lv, q_lv.shape[-1] - 1)
        # TODO revisit ?!
    q_mu = StableMean(q_mu)
    q_lv = StableLogVar(q_lv, enable_stable=not self._use_naive_exponential)
    q = Normal(q_mu.get(), q_lv.get_std())
    return q_mu, q_lv, q

sample_from_q(q_params, var_clip_max) #

Given an input parameter tensor defining q(z), it processes it by calling process_q_params() method and sample a latent tensor from the resulting distribution.


Name Type Description Default
q_params Tensor

The input tensor to be processed.

var_clip_max float

The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution. Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.

Source code in src/careamics/models/lvae/
def sample_from_q(
    self, q_params: torch.Tensor, var_clip_max: float
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Given an input parameter tensor defining q(z),
    it processes it by calling `process_q_params()` method and
    sample a latent tensor from the resulting distribution.

    q_params: torch.Tensor
        The input tensor to be processed.
    var_clip_max: float
        The maximum value reachable by the log-variance of the latent distribution.
        Values exceeding this threshold are clipped.
    _, _, q = self.process_q_params(q_params, var_clip_max)
    return q.rsample()