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Module containing pytorch implementations for obtaining predictions from an LVAE.

lvae_predict_mmse_tiled_batch(model, likelihood_obj, input, mmse_count) #

Generate the MMSE (minimum mean squared error) prediction, for a given input.

This is calculated from the mean of multiple single sample predictions.


Name Type Description Default
model LadderVAE

Trained LVAE model.

likelihood_obj LikelihoodModule

Instance of a likelihood class.

input torch.tensor | tuple of (torch.tensor, Any, ...)

Input to generate prediction for. This can include auxilary inputs such as TileInformation, but the model input is always the first item of the tuple. Expected shape of the model input is (S, C, Y, X).

mmse_count int

Number of samples to generate to calculate MMSE (minimum mean squared error).



Type Description
tuple of (tuple of (torch.Tensor[Any], Any, ...))

A tuple of 3 elements. The first element contains the MMSE prediction, the second contains the standard deviation of the samples used to create the MMSE prediction. Finally the last element contains the log-variance of the likelihood, this will be None if likelihood.predict_logvar is None. Any auxillary data included in the input will also be include with all of the MMSE prediction, the standard deviation, and the log-variance.

Source code in src/careamics/prediction_utils/
def lvae_predict_mmse_tiled_batch(
    model: LVAE,
    likelihood_obj: LikelihoodModule,
    input: tuple[Any],
    mmse_count: int,
) -> tuple[tuple[Any], tuple[Any], Optional[tuple[Any]]]:
    # TODO: fix docstring return types, ... hard to make readable
    Generate the MMSE (minimum mean squared error) prediction, for a given input.

    This is calculated from the mean of multiple single sample predictions.

    model : LVAE
        Trained LVAE model.
    likelihood_obj : LikelihoodModule
        Instance of a likelihood class.
    input : torch.tensor | tuple of (torch.tensor, Any, ...)
        Input to generate prediction for. This can include auxilary inputs such as
        `TileInformation`, but the model input is always the first item of the tuple.
        Expected shape of the model input is (S, C, Y, X).
    mmse_count : int
        Number of samples to generate to calculate MMSE (minimum mean squared error).

    tuple of (tuple of (torch.Tensor[Any], Any, ...))
        A tuple of 3 elements. The first element contains the MMSE prediction, the
        second contains the standard deviation of the samples used to create the MMSE
        prediction. Finally the last element contains the log-variance of the
        likelihood, this will be `None` if `likelihood.predict_logvar` is `None`.
        Any auxillary data included in the input will also be include with all of the
        MMSE prediction, the standard deviation, and the log-variance.
    if mmse_count <= 0:
        raise ValueError("MMSE count must be greater than zero.")

    x: torch.Tensor
    aux: list[Any]
    x, *aux = input

    input_shape = x.shape
    output_shape = (input_shape[0], model.target_ch, *input_shape[2:])
    log_var: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
    # pre-declare empty array to fill with individual sample predictions
    sample_predictions = torch.zeros(size=(mmse_count, *output_shape))
    for mmse_idx in range(mmse_count):
        sample_prediction, lv = lvae_predict_single_sample(
            model=model, likelihood_obj=likelihood_obj, input=x
        # only keep the log variance of the first sample prediction
        if mmse_idx == 0:
            log_var = lv

        # store sample predictions
        sample_predictions[mmse_idx, ...] = sample_prediction

    mmse_prediction = torch.mean(sample_predictions, dim=0)
    mmse_prediction_std = torch.std(sample_predictions, dim=0)

    log_var_output = (log_var, *aux) if log_var is not None else None
    return (mmse_prediction, *aux), (mmse_prediction_std, *aux), log_var_output

lvae_predict_single_sample(model, likelihood_obj, input) #

Generate a single sample prediction from an LVAE model, for a given input.


Name Type Description Default
model LadderVAE

Trained LVAE model.

likelihood_obj LikelihoodModule

Instance of a likelihood class.

input tensor

Input to generate prediction for. Expected shape is (S, C, Y, X).



Type Description
tuple of (torch.tensor, optional torch.tensor)

The first element is the sample prediction, and the second element is the log-variance. The log-variance will be None if model.predict_logvar is None.

Source code in src/careamics/prediction_utils/
def lvae_predict_single_sample(
    model: LVAE,
    likelihood_obj: LikelihoodModule,
    input: torch.Tensor,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]:
    Generate a single sample prediction from an LVAE model, for a given input.

    model : LVAE
        Trained LVAE model.
    likelihood_obj : LikelihoodModule
        Instance of a likelihood class.
    input : torch.tensor
        Input to generate prediction for. Expected shape is (S, C, Y, X).

    tuple of (torch.tensor, optional torch.tensor)
        The first element is the sample prediction, and the second element is the
        log-variance. The log-variance will be None if `model.predict_logvar is None`.
    model.eval()  # Not in original predict code: effects batch_norm and dropout layers
    with torch.no_grad():
        output: torch.Tensor
        output, _ = model(input)  # 2nd item is top-down data dict

    # presently, get_mean_lv just splits the output in 2 if predict_logvar=True,
    #   optionally clips the logvavr if logvar_lowerbound is not None
    # TODO: consider refactoring to remove use of the likelihood object
    sample_prediction, log_var = likelihood_obj.get_mean_lv(output)

    # TODO: output denormalization using target stats that will be saved in data config
    # -> Don't think we need this, saw it in a random bit of code somewhere.

    return sample_prediction, log_var

lvae_predict_tiled_batch(model, likelihood_obj, input) #

Generate a single sample prediction from an LVAE model, for a given input.


Name Type Description Default
model LadderVAE

Trained LVAE model.

likelihood_obj LikelihoodModule

Instance of a likelihood class.

input torch.tensor | tuple of (torch.tensor, Any, ...)

Input to generate prediction for. This can include auxilary inputs such as TileInformation, but the model input is always the first item of the tuple. Expected shape of the model input is (S, C, Y, X).



Type Description
tuple of ((torch.tensor, Any, ...), optional tuple of (torch.tensor, Any, ...))

The first element is the sample prediction, and the second element is the log-variance. The log-variance will be None if model.predict_logvar is None. Any auxillary data included in the input will also be include with both the sample prediction and the log-variance.

Source code in src/careamics/prediction_utils/
def lvae_predict_tiled_batch(
    model: LVAE,
    likelihood_obj: LikelihoodModule,
    input: tuple[Any],
) -> tuple[tuple[Any], Optional[tuple[Any]]]:
    # TODO: fix docstring return types, ... too many output options
    Generate a single sample prediction from an LVAE model, for a given input.

    model : LVAE
        Trained LVAE model.
    likelihood_obj : LikelihoodModule
        Instance of a likelihood class.
    input : torch.tensor | tuple of (torch.tensor, Any, ...)
        Input to generate prediction for. This can include auxilary inputs such as
        `TileInformation`, but the model input is always the first item of the tuple.
        Expected shape of the model input is (S, C, Y, X).

    tuple of ((torch.tensor, Any, ...), optional tuple of (torch.tensor, Any, ...))
        The first element is the sample prediction, and the second element is the
        log-variance. The log-variance will be None if `model.predict_logvar is None`.
        Any auxillary data included in the input will also be include with both the
        sample prediction and the log-variance.
    x: torch.Tensor
    aux: list[Any]
    x, *aux = input

    sample_prediction, log_var = lvae_predict_single_sample(
        model=model, likelihood_obj=likelihood_obj, input=x

    log_var_output = (log_var, *aux) if log_var is not None else None
    return (sample_prediction, *aux), log_var_output