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Pixel manipulation methods.

Pixel manipulation is used in N2V and similar algorithm to replace the value of masked pixels.

median_manipulate(patch, mask_pixel_percentage, subpatch_size=11, struct_params=None, rng=None) #

Manipulate pixels by replacing them with the median of their surrounding subpatch.

N2V2 version, manipulated pixels are selected randomly away from a grid with an approximate uniform probability to be selected across the whole patch.

If struct_params is not None, an additional structN2V mask is applied to the data, replacing the pixels in the mask with random values (excluding the pixel already manipulated).


Name Type Description Default
patch ndarray

Image patch, 2D or 3D, shape (y, x) or (z, y, x).

mask_pixel_percentage floar

Approximate percentage of pixels to be masked.

subpatch_size int

Size of the subpatch the new pixel value is sampled from, by default 11.

struct_params StructMaskParameters or None

Parameters for the structN2V mask (axis and span).

rng Generator or None

Random number generato, by default None.



Type Description

Tuple containing the manipulated patch, the original patch and the mask.

Source code in src/careamics/transforms/
def median_manipulate(
    patch: np.ndarray,
    mask_pixel_percentage: float,
    subpatch_size: int = 11,
    struct_params: Optional[StructMaskParameters] = None,
    rng: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Manipulate pixels by replacing them with the median of their surrounding subpatch.

    N2V2 version, manipulated pixels are selected randomly away from a grid with an
    approximate uniform probability to be selected across the whole patch.

    If `struct_params` is not None, an additional structN2V mask is applied to the data,
    replacing the pixels in the mask with random values (excluding the pixel already

    patch : np.ndarray
        Image patch, 2D or 3D, shape (y, x) or (z, y, x).
    mask_pixel_percentage : floar
        Approximate percentage of pixels to be masked.
    subpatch_size : int
        Size of the subpatch the new pixel value is sampled from, by default 11.
    struct_params : StructMaskParameters or None, optional
        Parameters for the structN2V mask (axis and span).
    rng : np.random.Generator or None, optional
        Random number generato, by default None.

           Tuple containing the manipulated patch, the original patch and the mask.
    if rng is None:
        rng = np.random.default_rng()

    transformed_patch = patch.copy()

    # Get the coordinates of the pixels to be replaced
    subpatch_centers = _get_stratified_coords(mask_pixel_percentage, patch.shape, rng)

    # Generate coordinate grid for subpatch
    roi_span = np.array(
        [-np.floor(subpatch_size / 2), np.ceil(subpatch_size / 2)]

    subpatch_crops_span_full = subpatch_centers[np.newaxis, ...].T + roi_span

    # Dimensions n dims, n centers, (min, max)
    subpatch_crops_span_clipped = np.clip(
        a_min=np.zeros_like(patch.shape)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
        a_max=np.array(patch.shape)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],

    for idx in range(subpatch_crops_span_clipped.shape[1]):
        subpatch_coords = subpatch_crops_span_clipped[:, idx, ...]
        idxs = [
            slice(x[0], x[1]) if x[1] - x[0] > 0 else slice(0, 1)
            for x in subpatch_coords
        subpatch = patch[tuple(idxs)]
        subpatch_center_adjusted = subpatch_centers[idx] - subpatch_coords[:, 0]

        if struct_params is None:
            subpatch_mask = _create_subpatch_center_mask(
                subpatch, subpatch_center_adjusted
            subpatch_mask = _create_subpatch_struct_mask(
                subpatch, subpatch_center_adjusted, struct_params
        transformed_patch[tuple(subpatch_centers[idx])] = np.median(

    mask = np.where(transformed_patch != patch, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8)

    if struct_params is not None:
        transformed_patch = _apply_struct_mask(
            transformed_patch, subpatch_centers, struct_params

    return (

uniform_manipulate(patch, mask_pixel_percentage, subpatch_size=11, remove_center=True, struct_params=None, rng=None) #

Manipulate pixels by replacing them with a neighbor values.

Manipulated pixels are selected unformly selected in a subpatch, away from a grid with an approximate uniform probability to be selected across the whole patch. If struct_params is not None, an additional structN2V mask is applied to the data, replacing the pixels in the mask with random values (excluding the pixel already manipulated).


Name Type Description Default
patch ndarray

Image patch, 2D or 3D, shape (y, x) or (z, y, x).

mask_pixel_percentage float

Approximate percentage of pixels to be masked.

subpatch_size int

Size of the subpatch the new pixel value is sampled from, by default 11.

remove_center bool

Whether to remove the center pixel from the subpatch, by default False.

struct_params StructMaskParameters or None

Parameters for the structN2V mask (axis and span).

rng Generator or None

Random number generator.



Type Description

Tuple containing the manipulated patch and the corresponding mask.

Source code in src/careamics/transforms/
def uniform_manipulate(
    patch: np.ndarray,
    mask_pixel_percentage: float,
    subpatch_size: int = 11,
    remove_center: bool = True,
    struct_params: Optional[StructMaskParameters] = None,
    rng: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Manipulate pixels by replacing them with a neighbor values.

    Manipulated pixels are selected unformly selected in a subpatch, away from a grid
    with an approximate uniform probability to be selected across the whole patch.
    If `struct_params` is not None, an additional structN2V mask is applied to the
    data, replacing the pixels in the mask with random values (excluding the pixel
    already manipulated).

    patch : np.ndarray
        Image patch, 2D or 3D, shape (y, x) or (z, y, x).
    mask_pixel_percentage : float
        Approximate percentage of pixels to be masked.
    subpatch_size : int
        Size of the subpatch the new pixel value is sampled from, by default 11.
    remove_center : bool
        Whether to remove the center pixel from the subpatch, by default False.
    struct_params : StructMaskParameters or None
        Parameters for the structN2V mask (axis and span).
    rng : np.random.Generator or None
        Random number generator.

        Tuple containing the manipulated patch and the corresponding mask.
    if rng is None:
        rng = np.random.default_rng()

    # Get the coordinates of the pixels to be replaced
    transformed_patch = patch.copy()

    subpatch_centers = _get_stratified_coords(mask_pixel_percentage, patch.shape, rng)

    # Generate coordinate grid for subpatch
    roi_span_full = np.arange(
        -np.floor(subpatch_size / 2), np.ceil(subpatch_size / 2)

    # Remove the center pixel from the grid if needed
    roi_span = roi_span_full[roi_span_full != 0] if remove_center else roi_span_full

    # Randomly select coordinates from the grid
    random_increment = rng.choice(roi_span, size=subpatch_centers.shape)

    # Clip the coordinates to the patch size
    replacement_coords = np.clip(
        subpatch_centers + random_increment,
        [patch.shape[i] - 1 for i in range(len(patch.shape))],

    # Get the replacement pixels from all subpatchs
    replacement_pixels = patch[tuple(replacement_coords.T.tolist())]

    # Replace the original pixels with the replacement pixels
    transformed_patch[tuple(subpatch_centers.T.tolist())] = replacement_pixels
    mask = np.where(transformed_patch != patch, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8)

    if struct_params is not None:
        transformed_patch = _apply_struct_mask(
            transformed_patch, subpatch_centers, struct_params

    return (